We are deeply grateful to those parishioners who are continuing their financial stewardship.
Your contributions may be mailed to the parish (110 Saint Elizabeth Drive, Chester Springs, PA 19425) or dropped off at the parish ministry center. A secure lockbox is located at the front doors of the ministry center for those who stop by when the office is closed.
The parish now offers two easy ways to continue your support of Saint Elizabeth Church electronically: through Auto-Giving and through Parish Giving. Questions may be directed to the parish business manager, Sam Venuti (610-321-1200). Thank you for your ongoing financial support of the parish.
A special thank you to the families now participating in Auto-Giving. Auto-Giving ensures consistent financial support to the parish throughout the year. Please consider joining Auto-Giving at this time!
To DOWNLOAD a copy of the authorization form, click here
A New Donating Option: Parish Giving
Through the Parish Giving payment system, parishioners may now contribute to Saint Elizabeth Parish with a credit or debit card. The payment system provides the ability for the donor to choose the date and frequency (one-time, weekly, or monthly) of their contributions, is PCI compliant, and uses the strongest encryption technology available.
To get started, Click Here to create your Parish Giving account
Thank you for your active participation!