Our Mission:
Together with the Lord, we endeavor to promote a spirit of understanding, mutual respect, and goodwill. Our mission is to provide opportunities for parishioners of Saint Elizabeth to participate in events that foster this spirit and to engage with other faith traditions for purposes of learning, dialog, shared prayer, and service to the community. We are a small but deeply committed ministry.
What We Do:
We meet bi-monthly to discuss and plan events with the Interfaith Action Community of Chester County. Members of the St. Elizabeth IAC group meet monthly with the IAC of Chester County which represents over 15 faiths and places of worship in the area, including Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Protestants, Lutherans and others. We report regularly on the discussions to Fr. Mullin.
Through meeting with members of other faiths, visiting their places of worship, studying their sacred texts, and participating in discussions, we promote understanding of each other's faiths and better understand our own.
Visit this link for an introduction to the Interfaith Action Committee at Saint Elizabeth:
Saint Elizabeth Parish Interfaith Action Committee Introduction - YouTube
For additional information, or if you are interested in joining this ministry, please fill out the ministry interest form on this page.