Join us for a two-part study of the Book of Genesis. Part One of this study (Genesis 1:1–25:18) includes the “pre-history” of Israel - the creation accounts, the stories of the fall and the great flood, and the story of Abraham and Sarah. Part Two of this study (Genesis 25:19–50:26) moves us forward from the time of Abraham to the unfolding of his family in the stories of Isaac and Jacob, as well as the story of Joseph and his brothers and their clans. Participants can register for one or both parts as their schedule allows. Genesis, Part I: January 21 - February 25 Genesis, Part II: March 4 - April 1 Tuesday mornings 9:30 - 11:00 AM (in-person and Zoom (if enough interest Tuesday evenings 7:00 - 8:30 PM (in-person and Zoom) Cost: $11 for each session, $22 total if attending both Parts. Registration is required. Please register in the link below: