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Bulletin - July 30, 2017

A Word from Father Stokely

This past Monday our parish hosted nine young men who are considering a vocation to the Priesthood. Five of the nine are from our parish!

I hope that even more young men from St. Elizabeth prayerfully consider this possibility - that God might be calling them to serve the Church as Priests. I thank God every day for the gift of my vocation, which has brought me immense joy and satisfaction.

May the Lord bless all the young people of our parish as they discern their calling, so that by saying "yes" to God's plan they too may experience true peace, happiness, and fulfillment.

Father John Stokely

2017 Mission Cooperation Appeal

Next weekend we welcome to Saint Elizabeth Father Francis Patrikson, who will speak on behalf of the Society of African Missions, the recipient of this year's Mission Cooperation collection. Your contributions may be dropped into the regular collection basket at Mass next weekend or sent directly to the parish office during the week. Donations may also be placed in the special collection basket in the rear of the church after Mass next weekend.

2018 Mass Intention Book

Beginning on Tuesday, August 8, personal intentions may be arranged for Masses to be celebrated at Saint Elizabeth throughout 2018. One Mass each Sunday and holy day is reserved for the people of the parish. Unannounced ­intentions may be arranged at the parish office for Masses celebrated by retired priests.

To make arrangements for personal intentions, please stop in the parish ministry center during regular office hours (8:00 AM-4:00 PM weekdays; 8:45 AM-12:45 PM Sundays). A free will offering is requested when making arrangements. Deceased parishioners and bene­factors of Saint Elizabeth are remembered at all parish Masses throughout the year.

Parish Staff News

We are happy to announce that parishioner Sara Richardson has accepted a part-time position on the parish staff as Coordinator for Parish Communications. In this role, Sara will be responsible to coordinate the development and use of parish and parish school communication vehicles, including the weekly parish bulletin, and periodic newsletters, media releases, web sites & Face­book pages, and related social media tools as they are developed. Sara will begin her new position the week of August 21. Welcome, Sara!

Mass Intentions for the Week

July 29-30: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Clarence Chaney

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Florence Croll

Sunday, 9:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Marianne Marchioni

Monday, 7:30 AM- Helen Tomera

Tuesday, 7:30 AM- James Grim

Wednesday,7:30AM- Gladys Godfrey

Thursday, 7:30 AM- Henry Doyle (1st Ann)

Friday, 7:30 AM- Grace Ferraro (9th Ann)

Saturday, 8:30 AM- Parish Memorial Mass

Ann Connolly; Richard Doherty; William Hartman, Jr.; Patricia Hausdorf; Alexander Masluk; Katherine Nolan; Helen Shea; Geraldine Street; Ray Shin Tai and Charles Weik.

August 5-6: Transfiguration of the Lord

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Margaret & Patrick Cooney

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Elizabeth Maloney

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Claire & Margaret Fry

Sunday, 11:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Readings: Daniel 7/9-10, 13-14; Psalm 97; 2 Peter 1/16-19; Matthew 17/1-9

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Now through August 28, Exposition is normally held in chapel on Mondays after the 7:30 AM Mass and concludes at 4:30 PM. Please note that there is no Exposition on Labor Day, September 4.

Prayer Corner

Please remember in prayer all those who are ill, including: Mitchell Batt; Susan Bell; Patricia Boardman; Jessica Bonkoski; Jo Ann Colletti; Patrick Cerullo; Ralph Grosso; William Lawrie; Leslie Leary and Eleanor Magill.

We also remember those who have died, including parishioner Eleanor Angstadt, wife of John Angstadt; parishioner Frank Tyas, husband of Catherine Tyas and father of Lynn O’Leary; Joan Fenicato, mother of Michelle Shewchuk; Ann Connolly, sister of Mary T. Damian and John Connor II, brother of Lynn Dougherty. May God grant all our departed loved ones eternal rest!

Safe Environment Program

All adults who volunteer in any activity where children are present are required to have on file at the parish services office all PA state requirements and all requirements from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the protection of youth before any service can begin. For specific information regarding requirements, go to www.stelizabethparish.org and use the drop down “Get Involved”, and click on “Volunteers-Safe Environment Requirements”. Protecting God’s Children class will be offered at Saint Elizabeth on September 28, November 9, December 7 and March 15 but classes fill up quickly. To register for class go to www.virtusonline.org.

Saint Elizabeth Parish School News

2017-2018 School Year: Have you been considering enrolling your child in our parish school? For more info and application materials, contact Liz Oulton (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-646-6540).

Baptism News

The next session of Pre-Jordan I: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism will be held on Saturday, August 12, at 10:30 AM in the ministry center. Godparent eligibility forms are available at the parish ministry center during regular office hours. To register for a Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, please call 610-321-1200.

Elementary Faith Formation

NEW for 2017-2018! "Encounter" - Mark Hart’s Bible Study for 7th & 8th Graders. Through fun & engaging video and discussion sessions, participants experience God as a loving Father with a great plan for them. Join us in the education center library on Mondays, October 2–November 20, 6:30-7:45 PM. Register online at the parish website: www.stelizabethparish.org. For more info, contact DRE Beth Riordan.

EFF Registration: The registration of returning and new students for the 2017-2018 EFF year is underway. Forms are available at www.stelizabethparish.org under “Education, Elementary Faith Formation.” If you are new to the parish or have children that will be new to the EFF program, please contact DRE Beth Riordan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-646-6545).

Pass It Forward!: Over 500 children and young people, kindergarten through grade 8, will sign up this fall to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. You can help them learn and grow by becoming a catechist, assistant or helper for Elementary Faith Formation. With five sessions offered Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays, you can select a time that fits your schedule. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well! As one long-time catechist put it, “I learn so much from the children!” We provide catechists with training, materials, and support. Classes begin September 11. If interested or for more information, contact Beth Riordan, DRE.

Adult Faith Formation

Fall Bible Study: Join us for a study of St. Paul's Letters from Prison (Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians). In these letters of encouragement, correction and instruction, St. Paul inspires us and challenges us to greater discipleship.

The weekly series runs on Tuesdays between September 12 and December 12, in two time slots: 9:30-11:00 AM or 7:00-8:30 PM. Each session consists of small group prayer & discussion and a DVD lecture. Cost: $15 for the study set. Register by September 1, either online via Google Forms: www.bit.ly/LettersFromPrisonStE or call our DRE, Beth Riordan ( 610-646-6545).

Movie Night Under the Stars: Get your Golden Ticket to the movies at St. Elizabeth! Join us for Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory starring Gene Wilder on Friday, August 25. Movie time is 8:15 PM, but come at 7:30 PM with your chairs and blankets to get your seats and refreshments. All are welcome! Contact Beth Riordan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or 610-646-6545) with any questions.

Legion of Mary

Rosary on the Green: Please join the Legion of Mary on Sunday, August 13 at 6:00 PM for another Rosary on the Green and public witness to the message of Fatima on the 100th Anniversary of the fourth apparition. This devotion will continue on the 13th of every month until October.

RCIA Inquiry

Do you know someone who is searching for life’s meaning, for community? Or someone who has asked about the Catholic faith? Invite them to connect with fellow seekers on Monday evenings in August at 7:00 PM in St. Matthew. All are welcome!   Contact Beth Riordan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-646-6545) with any questions.

Saint Elizabeth Casserole Program

Don’t forget our next casserole collection on the weekend of August 12-13. Meals are especially needed at this time of year because the number of donations goes down but the number of hungry clients do not! Pans are located in the narthex. Please consider picking one up and cooking for the clients of Saint John’s Hospice.

Poor Box Program

The recipient of poor box donations during July and August is the Saint Mary’s Franciscan Shelter in Phoenixville. The agency provides temporary housing for homeless families while helping them to move towards independence and self-support. For more info, go to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 610-933-3097.

Youth Ministry News

For more info about St. Elizabeth Parish Youth Ministry opportunities, contact Ryan Schwalm or follow us at St. Elizabeth Youth-Ministry on Facebook and @st.es_youthgroup on Instagram.

Saint Elizabeth Athletic Ministry (SEAM)

CYO Cheerleading: Registration is open now through August 31 for boys and girls in grades 3 through 8. This is a two season sport running from September to March. Detailed information is available at seamcyo.com.

Note for Emergency Pastoral Care Calls

Fr. Mullin is away on vacation through next Saturday evening. Fr. Stokely will be on hand for any emergency pastoral care calls during the week.

Financial Corner

Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.

Regular Collection for Sunday, July 15-16, 2017

Weekend Contributions: $18,873.42

[Amount of Loose Cash: $1359.88]

Midweek & Auto-Giving: $17,395.00

Total Regular Collection: $36,268.42

Number of adult envelope contributions: 621

Auto-Giving: There are now 278 families participating in Auto-Giving to ensure a consistent financial support to the parish throughout the year. To receive an electronic copy of the authorization form, please contact Sam Venuti (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

We encourage parishioners who are out of town on vacation weekends to continue their financial support of Saint Elizabeth during the summer months. Why not consider Auto-Giving all year long? For info, call Sam Venuti at 610-646-6515.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Knights of Columbus: Tuesday (8/1) 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

High School Youth Group: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM CLC

CRHP-Women’s Team: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Legion of Mary: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

Joseph’s People: Monday (8/7), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Pre-Jordan Team: Tuesday (8/8), 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

AFF Committee: Tuesday (8/8), 7:30 PM, St. Mark

Chosen Fathers: Tuesday (8/8), 7:30 PM, Holy Family

CRHP Men’s Team: Thursday (8/10), 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

Casserole Collection: Sat./Sun. (8/12-13), before all Masses, Bay Area & Social Hall

Back-to-School Collection: Sat./Sun. (8/12-13) before all Masses, Holy Family Room

Other Activities of Interest

Vigil for Life: Join Rev. Msgr. George Grima as a volunteer Helper of God’s Precious Infants on Saturday, August 5. There will be Mass at 8:00 AM at St. Agnes Church followed by a Rosary Pilgrimage to Planned Parenthood.