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Your Responses To Our Rays of Light Questionnaire

Thank you to all of our parishioners who have shared your wonderful and inspiring Rays of Light! Here are some of the responses we have received.


Are there three times you can think of when the parish played a significant role in your personal faith or family life?

Rebecca Wagner: Yes, shortly after I joined St. Elizabeth’s parish, my 21 year old niece was involved in a horrific car accident. I did not really know Father Mullin however, before a 5:30 mass, I shared my fear with him. He shared a prayer with me and we both went into the service. The following Monday I drive 9 hours home to my family and broken niece. She woke up from a coma 10 days later. A true miracle. In October 2016, I received the diagnosis of breast cancer. Before treatment and a bi lateral mastectomy, Father John met me, my husband and my dear friend, Mary Booth, in the chapel. He anointed me and brought all of us great comfort at the start of a long, hard journey. This moment reignited my faith in a profound way. Throughout my treatment Father John would visit with me and reassure me no matter the outcome God was always with me. Attending Easter mass that spring in an itchy wig and tired body, I felt God’s love and the support of my church family. It was a humbling significant moment. My third example is October 2017, a year after diagnosis. My husband and I, along with our immediate family, met in the chapel to get married. Yes, we were married years before on the beaches of Maui however, this ceremony was in my church and in many ways much more profound. You see while I was in treatment I finally had time to get my first marriage annulled. Working with the tribunal, completing all of the paperwork and digging deep into my faith allowed me to truly come home to the church.

Albert Riviezzo: Each Easter Vigil. Each Christmas Eve Mass. Masses celebrated in memory of deceased loved ones.

Mia Shannon: My conversion to the Catholic Faith; Our Son's Confirmation; my experience at a Christ Renews His Parish retreat.

Anne and Walt Tymon: The bereavement ministry program was extremely helpful when Anne’s father passed away; our son Kevin benefitted tremendously spiritually and socially through his involvement in the high school youth group; our lives have been enriched by the friends and acquaintances we have met through parish activities.

Mary C. Mulherin: Found numerous opportunities to serve God by participating in diverse parish ministries. Met many new friends who share my Catholic faith. Experienced an even deeper appreciation of, and closeness to, family and true friends.

Deb Romich: 1) while raising my children in the faith, 2) upon returning to the Catholic church and the sacraments, 3) while dealing with the death of a parent.

Mike Hughes: 2 Weddings, 6 Baptisms of Grandchildren, Funeral Masses for my mom and dad.

John and Rose Sweeney: Attending weekly Mass as a family, our children's sacraments, and being a part of the music ministry

Patricia Giordano: The Parish customized a path to Sacramental life for my sons through personalized EFF catch-up. The majority of trips from home bring me past Saint Elizabeth Church, and I am grateful for this faith reminder. I say a prayer each time I pass, even if traffic is slow! Informal moments with the Mass Celebrants, when we exit the church and share breakfast in the social hall teach my sons the human side of Religious life!


What three words describe your family's experience of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020?

Rebecca Wagner: Perseverance, perspective and zoom.

Albert Riviezzo: Faith over fear.

Mia Shannon: More togetherness, more meals at home, less travel to visit family.

Anne and Walt Tymon: Patience, adjustment, grateful.

Mary C. Mulherin: Isolated/fearful. Lonely/forsaken. Impatient/frustrated.

Deb Romich: reflective, anxious, spiritual.

Mike Hughes: Concern, Hope, Closeness.

John and Rose Sweeney: Faith, Family, Friendship.

Patricia Giordano: Discipline, baking and resilience.

Shirley Reardon: Stifled effecting mind body and spirit.


What three stewardship goals might you set to extend God's light to the lives of others?

Rebecca Wagner: It’s interesting, I use my faith to guide my work as counselor all of the time. The inner peace, thoughtful homilies and prayer guide me in my work every day. Although there is separation of church and state, messaging is everything. Kindness, integrity, making a difference in the world are universal themes. Conversations with friends and family during this time are deeper, harder and more meaningful. Often I am fearful, angry or sad... grieving my life pre-Covid. I look to my faith to guide me in important often difficult conversations. There are times there are no answers and that is the lesson. The answer is trust God’s plan even when I don’t understand or necessarily like it. Finally, I use my own journey to support other women struggling with cancer. It’s interesting as I did not actively pursue this role in my life. However, I have been very open about my cancer experience and people often seek me out for advice. When they ask how I got through it all my answer never waivers... faith, family and friends.

Albert Riviezzo: Assuring the future of our school. Assuring the future of the EFF. Supporting the parish's ministries.

Mia Shannon: Get involved in more service opportunities, be active in prayer individually and in groups, financially support organizations that support and spread God's love.

Anne and Walt Tymon: Service to our community via parish outreach activities, caring for family members in need, praying for those struggling with health and other challenges in their lives.

Mary C. Mulherin: Engage in more discussions of faith with family and friends. Encourage others to endure sufferings silently out of love for God. Suggest small prayers before undertaking events, even routine activities.

Deb Romich: 1) take the time to listen more, 2) look out for ways to meet the needs of others, 3) be more compassionate to others in their need.

Mike Hughes: Continued financial support of our parish. Continue to evangelize the wonderful work our parish does in our community and beyond. Support those in need through continued participation in parish programs and groups. To share all of this with our young parishioners. They are our future!!!!!!

John and Rose Sweeney: Provide financial support for the future of our parish, bring in new members to our music ministry, and join new ministries.

Patricia Giordano: Post-vaccination return to in-person Mass, return of my sons to High School Youth Group, and participation in the Environmental Committee for church decorating and clean-up.

Shirley Reardon: Back in community, Feeling normal, Gaining inward strength myself thru nurturing my own spirit within.


We invite each of you to continue to reflect upon these questions and hope that your fellow parishioners' responses provide inspiration and common ground. If you feel moved to share your thoughts with us, please fill out the questionnaire below!
