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Events Calendar

Pasta Party
Saturday, April 30, 2016, 05:00pm - 07:30pm
Hits : 200

Tickets are now on sale on line for the “Pasta Party” for all parishioners on Saturday, April 30, 5:00-7:30 PM. Go to www.stelizabethparish.org and follow the link for the “Pasta Party.” The pasta bar features assorted pasta, meatballs, salad, bread, desserts, soft drinks, water, coffee and tea. You may BYOB if you wish. The cost is $10 per adult; $5 for children ages 3-12; children under 3 years old eat free!. You can also purchase tickets during weekday parish office hours, and after Masses on the weekend of April 23-24 or at the door.

Location social hall