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Bulletin - January 8, 2017

A Word from Father Mullin

Today’s solemn feast of the Epiphany marks the revelation or manifestation of the Christ Child as Savior of the whole world, represented by the three magi.

As disciples of Jesus, each of us is called to live each day in such a manner that Christ is revealed to others in and through their encounters with us. May all of us help fulfill the proclamation of today’s Responsorial Psalm: Lord, every nation on earth will adore you!

And may the Lord Jesus bring gifts of good health, deep faith and family peace to all the parishioners of Saint Elizabeth Parish throughout the New Year 2017!

Fr. Tom Mullin

Pastoral Planning News

All adult & young adult parishioners are encouraged to participate in an Open Town Meeting on Thursday, January 19, at 7:00 PM in the social hall. You can register online at the parish website (stelizabeth parish.org). Even if you did not attend the first Open Town Meeting back in November, you are most welcome to join us on January 19.

At this meeting we will have a brief review of the first November planning meeting and then work together to develop a set of objectives for each of the six goals in the newly-formulated 2017-2020 Pastoral Plan. We hope to complete the pastoral plan this spring.

To review the current version of the pastoral plan and to offer your feedback and comments on the plan, go to the parish website and follow the links: “Our Parish” and “Pastoral Plan.” While you are there, register for the January 19 meeting, too!

A Word of Appreciation

Thank you to all who have contributed to our liturgical celebrations for Christmas: church cleaners & decorators; maintenance staff and sacristans; liturgical musicians and sound system operators; ushers, greeters & hospitality ministers; altar servers, readers & extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion; our deacons and an actively participating congregation – all had a significant role in making Christmas at Saint Elizabeth a time of prayerful joy. Thanks to all!

Committee for the New Evangelization

Christ Renews His Parish-Men’s Renewal: Join us on Friday-Saturday, January 20-21, for the next men’s overnight renewal. The retreat is designed for all men of the parish (21 or older). It provides an opportunity to experience personal growth in your faith in a relaxed welcoming environment.

Registration remains open online at the parish website, stelizabethparish.org. Registration forms are also available in the narthex. For info, contact Leo Shanley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 484-467-7511.

Mass Intentions for the Week

January 7-8: The Epiphany of the Lord

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Robert Talnack, Sr.

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Walter Hausdorf (12th Ann)

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Edward McLaughlin

Sunday, 11:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Monday, 7:30 AM- John Hughes

Tuesday, 7:30 AM- William Epp, Sr.

Wednesday, 7:30 AM- James & Velma Sandala

Thursday, 7:30 AM- Joseph Epifanio

Friday, 7:30 AM- Michael Sutor

Saturday, 8:30 AM- Intentions of Paul Gebhard

January 14-15: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Jim & Louise McAvoy (45th Wed. Ann.)

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Harold Gibson, Jr.

Sunday, 9:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Protection of the Unborn

Readings: Isaiah 49/3-6; Psalm 40; 1 Corinthians 1/1-3; John 1/29-34.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Mondays between 8:00 AM and 8:30 PM in the chapel.

Miraculous Medal Novena: All are welcome to come for novena prayers to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal on Saturday mornings at 7:50 AM, followed by a Rosary for Life at 8:00 AM in the daily Mass chapel.


Want to explore the Catholic Faith? For more info, contact DRE Beth Riordan at 610-646-6545 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Prayer Corner

Please remember all those who are ill, including: Edward Atkinson; John Batt; Jessica Bonkoski; Barbara Cox; Mary Dominiecki; Denise Kweeder; Peter Lubin; James Myers; Randall Rosser; Doris Sauer; Paul Stebner; Margaret Wittick and Elizabeth Young.

We also remember those who have died, including parishioner Lynn Cugini, wife of Thomas Cugini; Clarence Chaney, father of Carrie Mengel; John Guerin, brother of Thomas Guerin; and Marianne Marchione, mother of Denise Arizini. May all our departed loved ones rest in peace.

Welcome New Parishioners

Saint Elizabeth parish warmly welcomes the following individuals, couples and families who registered during December: John & Anna Abbatemarco; Blanche Bauman; Philip & Shelly Bradley, III; Patricia Ensor; Joseph & Claudia Gangemi; Peter Lubin; Aaron Thieroff & Victoria Panichelli; Randall & Beth Rosser; Lauren Rupsis and Aaron & Megan Walters.

Welcome to one and all!

Baptism News

The next session of Pre-Jordan II: A Call to Christian Parenting will be held this Saturday, January 14, and the next session of Pre-Jordan I: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism will be held on Saturday, February 11, both at 10:30 AM in the ministry center. To register for the Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, please call 610-321-1200.

Elementary Faith Formation News

Regular EFF classes will resume this Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, January 9-10-11.

Do you have children in K-6th grade who need religious education? Our EFF program provides classes for children of all abilities. Children with developmental, intellectual, sensory, physical or behavioral disabilities are welcome and encouraged to attend weekly EFF classes. Please contact DRE Beth Riordan at 610-646-6531 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Reminder: Parents of children planning to receive sacraments in Spring 2017, need to turn in your Registration, Photo Banner and Sponsor paperwork no later than this Friday, January 13, 2017.

Saint Elizabeth Parish School News

Open House for Catholic Schools Week: All are welcome to tour the parish school on Sunday, January 29, 12:30-2:00 PM. Take a look around and see some of the creative work done by our students! Stop by with a friend and spread the good news to others. Application materials will be available for those who are considering the enrollment of their children for the 2017-2018 school year.

Registration of New Students: The re-registration of current students and the advanced application for incoming siblings begin this Monday, January 9. New student application for parish families begins on Tuesday, January 31, and for non-parish families on Wednesday, February 1. For more info, call Liz at 610-646-6540.

Financial Aid: Applications for financial aid for the 2017-2018 school year are available at www. smartaidforparents.com. For info, call 800-360-8027.

Confirmation News

Bishop Timothy Senior will celebrate Confirmation at Saint Elizabeth on Saturday, April 22, at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. The rehearsals for Confirmation will be held on Thursday, April 20, at 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM.

The Confirmation retreat for candidates and parents will be held on Saturdays, February 25 and March 11. Confirmation registration forms and sponsor eligibility forms are due by this Friday, January 13.

Respect Life News

March for Life: On Friday, January 27, the Respect Life Committee and the St. Elizabeth Council, Knights of Columbus, will jointly sponsor a bus to Washington for the annual March for Life. The bus will depart from the church parking lot at 7:30 AM. The cost is $20.00 per adult and $10.00 per child. Morning coffee and a snack bag will be provided. For more info, contact Chuck Reimer at 610-212-9156.

Pastoral Outreach News

Sharing Our Bounty: The Sharing Our Bounty team is holding a food & toiletries collection next weekend, January 14-15. Donations go to The Lord’s Pantry and the Coatesville Soup Kitchen. Canned and dry goods are needed to restock shelves and small or travel size toiletries are welcome. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.

Exton-Lionville Ministerium News

All are invited to participate in the annual Prayer Service for Christian Unity on Sunday, January 22, at 7:00 PM here at Saint Elizabeth Church. Rev. Kadin Williams, pastor of the Exton Community Baptist Church, will be the guest preacher preaching upon this year’s theme: Reconciliation- The Love of Christ Compels Us (2 Corinthians 5/14-20). See the flyer in this weekend’s parish bulletin and sign up at the bulletin board outside the daily Mass chapel today!

Stewardship Day of Service

Save the Date: As you make plans for 2017, please hold Saturday, April 29, for the Saint Elizabeth Stewardship Day of Service. Last year, about 300 parishioners participated in this wonderful service event to help communities in our local area. Why not come out? More details to follow in upcoming bulletins.

Youth Ministry News

Weather Notice: ALL youth events will be cancelled on same day/night that school is closed or EFF is cancelled. Check the website for most updated information.

For info on any youth ministry activities, contact Ryan Schwalm at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or follow us at St. Elizabeth Youth Ministry on Facebook and @st.es_youthgroup on Instagram.

High School Youth Group: Every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM in the CLC next to the social hall. Don’t forget the next teen bible study on Monday, 1/16, at 8:00 PM.

Eighth Grade Youth Group: Come out this Wednesday, January 11, at 6:30 PM in the gym. See you there!

Middle School Youth Group: Next meeting is on Friday, January 20, at 6:00 PM, in the gym.

Pack 61 Cub Scouts: The next pack meeting is on Wednesday, January 18, at 6:00 PM in the social hall.

Parish Young Adults: Catholic young adults, ages 18 to 26, are invited to contact Ryan Schwalm about a newly-forming young adult group at Saint Elizabeth.

St. Elizabeth Athletic Ministry (SEAM):

CYO Basketball: All practices and games are subject to cancellation due to weather. If school or EFF is closed for bad weather, all practices are cancelled. Coaches will contact teams if weekend games or practices are cancelled. Please use your best judgment in bad weather before coming out to the gym!

Knights of Columbus

K of C Free Throw Contest: All boys and girls ages 9-14 are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2017 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition, on Sunday, January 29, at 6:30 PM in the parish gym. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and parental consent. Entry forms are available on line at www.kofc13141.org. Please bring completed form along with a birth certificate with you to the competition. For more info, please contact Paul Converse at 610-517-3442.

Liturgical Life Note

Low Gluten Communion Hosts: To accommodate the health needs of parishioners and guests, low gluten Communion hosts are available at weekend & daily Mass. For more info, call 610-321-1200.

Words from the Pastor

Even though you are out of town or away on vacation, you can still listen to our pastor’s weekend homilies. Go to the parish website (stelizabethparish.org) and scroll down the home page for “Words from our Pastor.”

Financial Corner

Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.

Regular Collection for Sunday, December 24-25

Weekend Contributions: $16,593.00

Midweek & Auto-Giving: $15,254.50

Total Regular Collection: $31,847.50

Number of adult envelope contributions: 475

Christmas Collection: To date we have received a total of $120,631.98 from 988 donors. For comparison’s sake, last year’s final total for the Christmas collection amounted to $124,508.90 from 1,128 donors. Thank you all for your support of Saint Elizabeth Church!

Tax Statements for 2016: Because so many people now keep their own computer banking records, the parish does not automatically mail out tax statements each year. Parishioners who would like a tax statement for their 2016 donations may contact the parish office (610-321-1200) and a statement will be mailed out to you promptly. Thank you all for your continued generosity to Saint Elizabeth Church!

Saint Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church

Insert to the Parish Bulletin for Sunday, January 8, 2017

Upcoming Events & Meetings

Senior Adult Ministry Team (SAM): Monday (1/9), 3:00 PM, St. Luke

RCIA & Inquiry: Mondays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist & conference room

CRHP-Women: Mondays, 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

Family Life Ministry Team (FLMT): Monday (1/9), 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

Social Fellowship Committee: Monday (1/9), 7:00 PM, St. Mark

Adult Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30 AM & 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

Pastoral Council: Tuesday (1/10), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Parish School - Eighth Grade Parent Meeting: Tuesday (1/10), 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

High School Youth Group: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, CLC

Eighth Grade Youth Group: Wednesday (1/11), 6:30 PM, gym

Stewardship Day of Service Team (SDOS): Wednesday (1/11), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Girl Scouts: Wednesday (1/11), 7:00 PM, CLC

Legion of Mary: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

CRHP-Men’s Team: Thursdays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

Men’s Choir: Thursday (1/12), 7:00 PM, choir room

Women at the Well: Thursdays, 7:00 PM & Fridays, 9:00 AM, St. Luke

Eighth Grade Girl Scouts: Friday (1/13), 3:00 PM, CLC

Sixth Grade Girl Scouts: Friday (1/13), 6:00 PM, CLC

Pre-Jordan II: Saturday (1/14), 10:30 AM, ministry center

POC Food & Toiletries Collection: Sat./Sun. (1/14-15), Holy Family Room

Joseph’s People: Monday (1/16), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Sister Parish Planning Team: Monday (1/16), 7:00 PM, social hall

Safe Environment - Protecting God’s Children: Monday (1/16), 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

HSYG Bible Study: Monday (1/16), 8:00 PM, CLC

Finance Council: Tuesday (1/17), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Chosen Fathers: Tuesday (1/17), 7:00 PM, St. Mark

Parish School- Eighth Grade Parents - Graduation Planning: Tuesday (1/17), 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

Pack 61 Cub Scouts: Wednesday (1/18), 6:00 PM, social hall

Open Town Meeting on 2017-2020 Pastoral Plan: Thursday (1/19), 7:00 PM, social hall

Middle School Youth Group: Friday (1/20), 6:00 PM, gym

Christ Renews His Parish - Men’s Overnight Renewal: Friday/Saturday (1/20-21), social hall

Blessing of Sacramental Candidates: Saturday & Sunday (1/21-22), at weekend Masses