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Bulletin - February 26, 2017

A Word from Father Stokely

Can you believe that Ash Wednesday is this week?

I am really looking forward to Lent this year. The season promises the opportunity to experience spiritual growth through personal commitment. If you are like me, deciding what to do (or not do) for Lent can be a challenge. I am going to be brave this year, and I am letting a dear friend choose for me!

Whatever we do, may our works of kindness and sacrifice draw us closer to Christ so that we may experience the joy of His Kingdom now and forever.

Fr. John Stokely


Rite of Sending: At the 11:30 AM Mass today, we are celebrating the Rite of Sending for six catechumens who are preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation this Easter, including: Tina Angles, Kealsey Beecham, Jason Wolensky, Tanya, Rowan & Zach Karas.

Also included in today’s prayer are four candidates baptized in other Christian communities who are now preparing for reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church & Confirmation: Kay Badica, Amanda Di Prospero, Julie Di Prospero and Christine Pearlstein.

They will join Archbishop Chaput for the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion in the Cathedral Basilica this Saturday, March 4. May God bless them all during this Lenten Season!

Would you like to explore the Catholic Faith? Our weekly inquiry group meets at 7:00 PM on Mondays in the education center conference room. For more info, contact DRE Beth Riordan at 610-646-6545.

2017 Parish Mission

Plan now to join Redemptorist Father Maurice Nutt, C.Ss.R. for a three-part parish mission on March 5-6-7 on the theme: Return to the Lord. Come out at 4:00 PM on Sunday for Fr. Nutt’s homily on Mark 10:46-52 –Expecting the Unexpected; at 7:00 PM on Monday for Luke 15:11-31 – You Can Always Come Back Home; and at 7:00 PM on Tuesday for Luke 17:11-19 – Look Where He Brought Me From. Each session will close with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Ash Wednesday Schedule

This Wednesday, March 1, we will have Mass with the distribution of ashes at 7:30 AM and at 7:00 PM, along with a Liturgy of the Word with distri­bution of ashes at 11:00 AM and at 4:30 PM. NB: ashes are not available at other times. Please check out the insert in this bulletin for more information about the spiritual disciplines of Lent and special Lenten devotions.

Mass Intentions for the Week

February 25-26: Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Sr. Ann McGovern

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Charlotte & Miles Hannagan

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Yen Chau

Monday, 7:30 AM- Paul Karr (10th Ann)

Tuesday, 7:30 AM- William Hoffmann

Ash Wednesday, 7:30 AM- Robert DeJoseph

7:00 PM- Bonnie Gail Hatt

Thursday, 7:30 AM- Anna Pham Thi Thanh

Friday, 7:30 AM- Lawrence Benecke

11:15 AM- School Mass - Ellie Hall (1st Ann)

Saturday, 8:30 AM - Parish Memorial Mass

Judy Childs; Stella Cizmarik; Jennie Complitano; Deacon Lawrence Froio; Karen Jackson; Paul Mengel; Donald Missimer; Edward Parker; Mary Petit de Mange; James Shannon and Msgr. Richard Skelly

March 4-5: First Sunday of Lent

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Nicholas Sciallo

Sunday, 8:00 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 9:30 AM- George Dippold, Sr.

Sunday, 11:30 AM- William Hoffmann

Readings: Genesis 2/7-9; 3/1-7; Psalm 51; Romans 5/12-19; Matthew 4/1-11.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Mondays between 8:00 AM and 8:30 PM in the chapel. Please note that this Monday (2/27) and next Monday (3/6), Exposition will close at 4:30 PM to accommodate special EFF classes on First Penance/Reconciliation.

Marian Devotions: Join us for novena prayers to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal on Saturday mornings at 7:50 AM, followed by a Rosary for Life at 8:00 AM.

Prayer Corner

Please remember in prayer all those who are ill, including: Eleanor Angstadt; John Batt; Charlene Buckley; JoAnn Colletti; Joseph Conwell; Jerry Corrado; Stephen Curran; Gary Davila; Stephen Gray; Patricia Hardy; Peter Hare; Perry Hughes; Dorothy Mooney; Elizabeth Pescatore; Gloria San Giacomo; Donald Schmitz; Stephen Strauss; Patricia Subasic and Edward Weed, Sr.

We also remember those who have died, including Karen Jackson, sister of Susan Morgan, and Helen Tomera, mother of Grazyna Szabla. May all our departed loved ones rest in peace!

Pastoral Planning News

Did you notice the banner just outside the sanctuary area to the left of the tabernacle at Mass this weekend? The banner lists six Core Parish Values that guide us in living as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Take a closer look at the cover page of the weekly bulletin to reflect upon our new Vision and updated Mission.

Don’t forget to go online to the home page of the parish website (stelizabethparish.org) for infor­mation about the 2017-2020 Pastoral Plan and how you can offer your own comments and input into its completion in the weeks ahead.

Family Life Ministry

Widows’ Group: The Bereavement Ministry Team is introducing a new series entitled A Widow’s Walk: Embracing One Another on Our Journey. The series begins on Wednesday, March 22, at 7:00 PM in St. Matthew Conference Room and will continue on the fourth Wednesday of each month, March through June.

Separated & Divorced Group: The Family Life Ministry Team is pleased to announce a special program for men and women who have suffered from divorce or separation. The program is based upon Rose Sweet’s work, The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide, and will be facilitated by parishioner, Dr. Diane Thompson. The group will meet weekly beginning on Tuesday, March 21, at 7:00 PM in the education center library.

If you are interested in attending either group, register by emailing or calling the parish services office. Both groups are looking for parishioners to help facilitate the group discussions, so if you can relate to either group and would like to offer your stewardship service, please contact Gen Miceli at 610-646-6550 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Committee for the New Evangelization

Christ Renews His Parish-Women’s Renewal: Save the date now to join us on Friday-Saturday, May 5-6, for the next women’s overnight renewal. The retreat is designed for all women of the parish (21 or older). It provides an opportunity to experience personal growth in your faith in a relaxed welcoming environment.

Baptism News

The next sessions of Pre-Jordan I: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism and Pre-Jordan II: A Call to Christian Parenting will be held on Saturday, March 11, at 10:30 AM in the Ministry Center Conference Rooms. To register for the Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, please call 610-321-1200.

Confirmation Retreats

The second and final Confirmation Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 11, beginning with Mass in church at 8:30 AM and concluding by 12:30 PM.

Bishop Timothy Senior will celebrate Confirmation at Saint Elizabeth on Saturday, April 22, at 10:00 AM and at 2:00 PM. The rehearsals for Confirmation will be held on Thursday, April 20, at 6:00 PM & 7:30 PM.

Saint Elizabeth Parish School News

2017-2018 School Year: We are now accepting applications for new students in our parish, as well as students from non-parish families. Re-registration for current students and incoming siblings is ongoing. We welcome the chance to show you the benefits of a Saint Elizabeth Parish School education. Please call Liz Oulton at 610-646-6540 for more information and application materials.

Stewardship Day of Service

Registration is now open for the Stewardship Day of Service on Saturday, April 29. Follow the links on the parish website to complete the online registration for you and your family members. Parishioners of all ages are welcome to participate (children must be accom­panied by a parent). If you do not have internet access, you may register by calling Gen at 610-646-6550.

Sister Parish Planning Team

Have you ever wanted to visit our sister parish, Visitation BVM, in the Kensington section of Philadelphia? You will have two opportunities in April to visit VBVM with fellow parishioners:

On Saturday, April 8, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM, the planning team is hosting an Easter party for children of VBVM School (Pre-K to Grade 4). Volunteers are needed to assist children with crafts, games and an Easter egg hunt. Sixth graders thru adults are welcome!

On Sunday, April 30, enjoy the combined voices of the St. Elizabeth Guitar Group and VBVM’s Celestial Voices at the 10:00 AM Spanish Mass at Visitation BVM Church. For more info and car pooling, contact Diane Hogan (610-585-5100 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Pastoral Outreach

Poor Box: The recipient of poor box donations during March and April is the Aquinas Center, sponsored by St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in South Philadelphia. The center is an innovative church and community-backed venture in welcoming and supporting local immigrants.

The Aquinas Center helps “human beings...who have dignity and deserve to have opportunity” through a variety of programs, including English-language classes, individual & family counseling, legal help, and advocacy for immigrants. For more info about the Aquinas Center, go to staquinas.com/aquinascenter/. We invite you to participate in this critical need and as always, thank you for your generosity.

Casserole Collection: The March collection of casseroles will take place on the weekend of March 11-12. You can also drop a casserole at the parish office on Friday, March 10, before 4:30 PM and/or on Monday, March 13, before 9:00 AM. As always, the people of Saint John’s Hospice are grateful for your generosity! Pans are available in the narthex of the church.

Family Life Ministry/Adult Faith Formation

On Ash Wednesday, March 1, there will be a table in the narthex sponsored by the Family Life Ministry Team and the Adult Faith Formation Committee. Please stop by to pick up some helpful resources for your family during Lent. All materials are free! A list of apps will be provided to enhance your daily prayer life, too!

Youth Ministry News

Parish Youth Council: We are now developing a Parish Youth Council to guide the many youth ministry activities offered at the parish. If you would like to be included on this council, please email Ryan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our first meetings are on Saturdays, March 4 and March 18, 8:00-10:00 AM in the St. Luke Conference Room.

High School Youth Group: We meet every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM in the CLC, next to the social hall. Don’t miss High School Bible Study this Monday, February 27, and every other Monday night in the CLC, 8:00-9:00 PM.

8th Grade Youth Group: We will meet Wednesday, March 8, 6:30-8:00 in the gym.

Middle School Youth Group: Our next meeting is on Friday, March 10, 6:00-7:30 PM in the gym. The night will include dinner, activities, and discussion.

Elementary School Youth Group: Our next Free Play Night will be Saturday, March 18, 6:30-8:30 PM in the gym. The cost for the night is $5 per child.

For info on any youth ministry activities, contact Ryan Schwalm at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or follow us at St. Elizabeth Youth Ministry on Facebook and @st.es_youthgroup on Instagram.

St. Elizabeth Athletic Ministry (SEAM):

Registration is now open for baseball & track. For more info and to register online, follow the Athletic Ministry link on the parish website (www.stelizabethparish.org).

Financial Corner

Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.

Regular Collection for Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekend Contributions: $20,880.75

[Amount of Loose Cash: $1,212.60]

Midweek & Auto-Giving: $17,439.00

Total Regular Collection: $38,319.75

Number of adult envelope contributions: 684

Tax Statements for 2016: Parishioners who would like a tax statement for their 2016 donations may contact the parish office (610-321-1200) and a statement will be mailed out to you promptly. Thank you all for your continued generosity to Saint Elizabeth Church!

2017 Catholic Charities Appeal

This year's theme, Giving Hope to All, reflects the broad focus of the Catholic Charities appeal in supporting close to 180 beneficiaries in the areas of education; social services; evangelization and parish spiritual life; clergy and religious; and mission activities, both locally and worldwide. Brochures and donation envelopes remain available in the church narthex now through May.

Saint Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church

Insert to the Parish Bulletin for Sunday, February 26, 2017

Job Positions on the Parish Staff

Part-time Cook: Because the current employee has moved out of the area, we are looking for someone to fill a part-time position (±10 hours/week) as cook and laundress to work in the priest residence. General responsibilities include regular laundry service each week and cooking dinner on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. For more information, please call the parish office (610-321-1200).

Custodial Staff: We are looking for a responsible individual to join the parish custodial staff Monday through Friday, 2:00-10:00 PM. Interested applicants may send a personal resume (with references) to Mr. Rey Forgione, Director of Facilities, by fax (610-646-6513), email (rforgione@stelizabeth parish.org) or mail (P.O. Box 695, Uwchlan, PA 19480-0695).

Upcoming Meetings & Events

RCIA & Inquiry: Monday (2/27), 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist & conference room

SEAM: Monday (2/27), 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

High School Bible Study: Monday (2/27), 8:00 PM, CLC

CRHP-Women’s Team: Monday (2/27), 7:00 PM, Holy Family

Adult Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30 AM & 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

Pastoral Council: Tuesday (2/28), 7:00 PM, St. Mark

Adult Faith Formation: Tuesday (2/28), 7:30 PM, St. John the Baptist

High School Youth Group: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, CLC

Ash Wednesday Services: Wednesday (3/1), Mass at 7:30 AM & 7:00 PM, Liturgy of the Word at 11:00 AM & 4:30 PM, church

Legion of Mary: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, Holy Family

CRHP Men’s Team: Thursdays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

Women at the Well: Thursdays, 7:00 PM & Fridays, 9:00 AM, St. Luke

Stations of the Cross & Benediction: Fridays (3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24 & 3/31), 7:00 PM, church

Youth Ministry Planning Team: Saturday (3/4), 8:00 AM, St. Luke

SEAM/CYO Cheerleader Recognition Party: Saturday (3/4), 6:30 PM, social hall

Pack 61 Cub Scouts: Sunday (3/5), 12:30 PM, social hall & CLC

Parish Mission: Sunday (3/5), 4:00 PM, Monday & Tuesday (3/6-7), 7:00 PM, church

Joseph’s People: Monday (3/6), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Another Activity of Interest

MOM-Heart of the Home: 23rd Annual Mom-Heart of the Home Renewal, Saturday, March 18, 9:00 AM at SS. Simon & Jude Meehan Center, West Chester. For more info and registration, visit www.mom-heartofthehome.org/events.html or contact Chris Henneghan at 610-212-6403 or chris This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ash Wednesday Schedule

The season of Lent begins this Wednesday, March 1, when we will celebrate Mass with the distribution of ashes at 7:30 AM and at 7:00 PM. In addition, a Liturgy of the Word with distri­bution of ashes will be held at 11:00 AM and at 4:30 PM. NB: ashes are not available at other times.

Special Lenten Activities

Stations of the Cross & Benediction: in the main church on Fridays at 7:00 PM, March 3 thru March 31. On March 24, we will have a special Stations of the Cross for Young People for our Youth Groups and their families. On Friday, April 7, the eighth graders of the parish school will present a Living Stations of the Cross at 1:30 PM and again at 7:00 PM. All are most welcome to attend this Lenten service, as well as the K of C Fish Fry in the social hall, 5:00-7:00 PM.

Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation: Individual confessions are heard in the daily Mass chapel on Saturday mornings at 9:00 AM. All are welcome to the celebration of First Penance/Reconciliation at 7:00 PM on Monday, March 20, and Wednesday, March 22. The Lenten Communal Penance Service with Individual Confessions will be held on Wednesday, April 5, at 7:00 PM. There will also be an extended period of confessions (9:00-11:00 AM) on Saturday, April 8.

Spiritual Disciplines for Lent

The Bishops of the United States prescribe, as minimal obligation, that all persons who are fourteen years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. All persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, while the other two meals on those two days are to be light.

All are encouraged to participate in Mass and to receive Holy Communion regularly; to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation; to make time for spiritual reading, especially the study of Sacred Scripture; to attend Lenten devotions such as the Stations of the Cross, and to participate in stewardship activities during Lent, including Operation Rice Bowl.

Schedule for Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday, April 8-9: regular weekend Mass schedule, with Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:30 PM and Mass on Sunday at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:30 AM. Palm will be blessed within the Eucharistic Liturgy and distributed by the ushers and greeters.

Holy Thursday, April 13: Mass of the Lord’s Supper in church at 7:30 PM with Solemn Procession & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel between 9:00 PM and Midnight.

Good Friday, April 14: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3:00 PM; Holy Communion is distributed only at this service.

Holy Saturday, April 15: Blessing of Easter Food in the social hall at 11:00 AM.

Easter Vigil, April 15: Mass at 8:00 PM with Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church and Sacramental Initiation (Confirmation and First Holy Communion).­

Easter Sunday, April 16: regular Sunday morning Mass schedule (8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 AM).