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Bulletin - August 13, 2017 - Pastoral Plan Update

Saint Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church

                              Insert to the Parish Bulletin for Sunday, August 13, 2017

                                   Update on the 2017-2020 Pastoral Plan

Back in the spring, the parish bulletin included a series of inserts (still available on the parish website) that reflected upon the Vision, Mission and Core Values of the 2017-2020 Pastoral Plan. The six core values characterize Saint Elizabeth as a parish community and guide all of us in living as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. They serve as a measuring rod for everything that we do and all that we strive to become as we live out Our Vision and Our Mission together.

In early May another parish bulletin insert identified a set of six pastoral goals that provide direction for the commitment of resources in personnel, facilities, time and money to existing and proposed parish activities.   The six pastoral goals are:

Goal One: Become a more Engaging Parish - To be a faith-filled and inviting Catholic community that welcomes and engages all people wherever they are in their spiritual journey.

Goal Two: Expand Family Faith Formation Programs - To develop opportunities at all stages of family life that enrich relationships and bring Christ into our homes.

Goal Three: Strengthen Youth and Young Adult Faith Formation Programs - To offer relevant programs to nourish in youth and young adults a deeper personal relationship with Christ, their Catholic faith and the parish community.

Goal Four: Continue to Grow our Stewardship Identity - To increase participation and strengthen our commitment to live a stewardship way of life by sharing God's gifts of time, talent and treasure.

Goal Five: Enhance Parish Communications - To expand the use of communication and marketing programs and tools to reach more parishioners, promote parish activities and become a more informed and connected parish.

Goal Six: Encourage Leadership Development - To encourage leadership and develop relevant skills within our parish community, parish school and parish staff to live out our parish mission.

Throughout the summer months, three pastoral council work teams have been working to delineate a set of directional objectives for each of the six pastoral goals. These objectives are intended to shape the development of existing and future parish activities and programs to enrich the life and ministry of the parish community. The completed set of goals and objectives will be reviewed and finalized at the joint meeting of the pastoral, finance and stewardship councils on September 19, and will then be communicated to our current parish ministry groups and to parishioners at large. Look for additional updates about the pastoral goals & objectives in the parish bulletin in the early fall. You can find more detailed information about the 2017-2020 Pastoral Plan by going online to the home page of the parish website (stelizabethparish.org).