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Bulletin - September 3, 2017

A Word from Father Mullin

The Gospel acclamation proper to today’s liturgy proclaims St. Paul’s prayer that “we may know what is the hope that belongs to our call” (Ephesians 1:18).

For the people of Texas, ensnared in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, hope can indeed be very hard to find! Likewise, for millions of people around the world, the struggle to survive in the midst of crushing hardships can undermine even the most hope-filled of spirits.

Today we pray that God bring relief and renewed hope to all those who are suffering from earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters, along with those who are endangered by religious oppression, political violence, terrorism and war around the world.

Father Tom Mullin

Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief

Please remember in your prayers the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Monetary donations to be administered through Catholic Charities USA are being collected here at the parish between now and the weekend of September 16-17. Special donation envel­opes are now available in the rear of the church.

For more information and/or to make a direct contribution, go online to www.catholiccharitiesusa.org or to the Texas Conference of Catholic Bishops at www.txcatholic.org/harvey. Thank you for you generosity to the disaster relief efforts.

RCIA Inquiry

Do you know someone who is searching for life’s meaning, for community? Or someone who has asked about the Catholic faith? Invite them to connect with fellow seekers on Monday evenings. All are welcome! For info, call 610-646-6545.

Social Fellowship News

Ice Cream Social: Plan now to stop over in the social hall after the 5:30 PM Mass next Saturday, September 9, to enjoy a tasty ice cream treat – have your dessert before dinner! Bring the family and friends, too, for there’s lots of ice cream to go around!

Mass Intentions for the Week

September 2-3: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Edward Weed, Sr.

Sunday, 8:00 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Josephine Gosik

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Deceased of the Rafferty Family

Monday, 9:00 AM- Sherman Everlof

Tuesday, 7:30 AM- Zofia Dlugan (1st Ann)

Wednesday, 7:30AM- George Perrin (1st Ann)

Thursday, 7:30 AM- Millie Rosado

Friday, 7:30 AM- Daniel & Kathy Keating (45th Wed Ann)

Saturday, 8:30 AM- Parish Memorial Mass

Mitchell Batt; William Beideman; Regina Black; John Connor II; Joan Fenicato; Gerald Fisher; Margaret Hughes; Edward Linkiewicz; Karen McKenna; Rev. James McVeigh and Patricia Reilly

September 9-10: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Benjamin & Antoinette Polese

Sunday, 9:30 AM- George Ciarlone

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Robert Croll

Readings: Ezekiel 33/7-9; Psalm 95; Romans 13/8-10, Matthew 18/15-20

Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary for Life: All are welcome to come for Miraculous Medal Devotions on Saturday mornings at 7:50 AM, followed by a Rosary for Life at 8:00 AM in the chapel.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: There is no Exposition this Monday, September 4. Beginning on September 11, Exposition will conclude at 8:30 PM.

Prayer Corner

Please remember in prayer all those who are ill, including Mary Adam; Donna Bender; Joseph Carr; Rodney Chaney; William Gibson; Donald Greenleaf; Joseph Markowski; Robert Mason; John McLaughlin; Anne O’Connell; Conrad Olenik; William Petit de Mange and Karen Smith.

We also remember those who have died including Hugh Vincent Nolan, father of Stephanie Deviney; Mark Bradlee, the brother of Jonathan Bradlee; and Michael Kilcoyne, father of Michael Kilcoyne.

Saint Elizabeth Parish School News

New School Year: Some 325 young parishioners will begin another year at Saint Elizabeth Parish School this Tuesday, September 5. All are welcome to the Opening Mass for the parish school at 11:15 AM on Wednesday, September 6. The first full day of class for kindergarten is this Thursday, September 7.

New Student Enrollment: There is still time to apply for admission for the 2017-2018 year. Please contact Liz Oulton (610-646-6540) in the school office as soon as possible for application materials.

Back to School Nights: This Wednesday (9/6) for grades K-1 at 7:00 PM and for grades 2-3 at 7:30 PM, in classrooms; this Thursday (9/7), for grade 4 at 6:30 PM in classrooms and for grades 5-8 at 7:00 PM, in the gym.

Thank you to all in our parish community whose generosity enables us to provide a Catholic elementary school here at Saint Elizabeth. May God bless all our children, young adults and their teachers this year!

2018 Mass Intention Book

Personal intentions may now be arranged at the parish ministry center for Masses to be celebrated at Saint Elizabeth throughout 2018. One Mass each Sunday and holy day is reserved for the people of the parish. Unannounced ­intentions may be arranged at the parish office for Masses celebrated by retired priests. A free-will offering is requested when making arrangements.

Baptism News

Saint Elizabeth parish warmly welcomes into the Body of Christ the following children baptized in August:

Talia Jean D’Archangelo; Anthony Michael Ruzzi; Sophia Rivera; Emma Grace VanAlstyne; Harper Ann VanAlstyne; Connor Robert Kopishke and Aidan Christian Moser.

Congratulations to their parents and godparents!

The next session of Pre-Jordan I: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism will be held this Saturday, September 9, and the next session of Pre-Jordan II: A Call to Christian Parenting, will be held on Saturday, October 14, both at 10:30 AM in the ministry center.

Godparent eligibility forms are available at the parish ministry center during regular office hours. To register for a Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, please call 610-321-1200.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Beginning next Sunday, September 10, CLOW will be held at both the 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM Masses throughout the year, except for holiday weekends. We need a number of additional adult leaders and teen assistants for the CLOW program, For more info, please contact Andrea Bell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-970-5783.

Saint Elizabeth Pre-Cana

Saint Elizabeth will be offering a marriage preparation program, Pre-Cana, on September 15-16. If you are engaged and looking for a program to attend, go to the parish website (www.stelizabethparish.org) for info. The program will take place on Friday night, 7:30-9:00 PM, and Saturday, beginning with Mass in the church at 8:30 AM and concluding at 4:00 PM.

Register by going to the parish website: click on Parish...sacraments...marriage...Pre-Cana program registration. Another parish Pre-Cana Program is scheduled for January 26-27, 2018. If you would like to become part of the Pre-Cana team or if you have questions, contact Gen Miceli at 610-646-6550.

Saint Elizabeth Casserole Program

Are you winding down from summer and getting back into a routine? Please consider making a casserole for Saint John's Hospice each month as part of your routine. Pans are provided in the narthex and the meals are appreciated.

The next casserole collection is this coming weekend, September 9-10, when the casseroles will be collected before the Masses. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Jen Bauhaus (jbretz2001 @yahoo.com) or Angie Fiore (angiefiore@ verizon.net). Thank you for your generous support.

Legion of Mary

Rosary Workshop: Parishioners of all ages are invited to a Rosary Workshop this Saturday, September 9, at 10:00 AM in the social hall in celebration of the Blessed Mother’s birthday (September 8). At the workshop, you’ll learn about the rosary, how to say it, how to make your own rosary and time permitting, say a decade. We’ll conclude with refreshments to honor Mary’s birthday. Please register for this workshop on the parish website’s home page under Rosary Workshop. Hope to see you there!

Safe Environment

All adults who volunteer in any activity where children are present are required to have on file at the parish services office all PA state requirements and all requirements from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the protection of youth before any service can begin.

For specific information regarding requirements, go to www.stelizabethparish.org, use the drop down “Get Involved” and then click on “Volunteers-Safe Environ­ment Requirements.” The Protecting God’s Children class will be offered at Saint Elizabeth on September 28, November 9, December 7 and March 15. To register for class, go to www.virtusonline.org.

Elementary Faith Formation

2017-2018 Registration: It’s not too late to register for the coming EFF year. Weekly classes begin on Mon­day, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 11-12-13. Forms are available at www.stelizabethparish.org under "Education, Elementary Faith Formation." If you are new to the parish or have children that will be new to the EFF program, please contact DRE Beth Riordan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

EFF Stewardship Service: Make a difference in the lives of our parish children! We need additional catechists, teacher assistants, teenage aides, office staff and car line attendants to serve more than 500 parish children in this year’s EFF program. With five sessions offered each week, you can select a day and time that best fits your schedule. We provide training, materials and support.

Catechists are needed for the following classes:

Monday Afternoon: 4:45-6:00 PM - 4th & 6th grades

Tuesday Afternoon: 4:45-6:00 PM - 5th grade

Wednesday Afternoon: 4:45-6:00 PM - Kindergarten, 1st & 6th grades

For more info, contact Beth Riordan or Anne Polese in the faith formation office (610-646-6545).

Adult Faith Formation

Fall Bible Study: It’s not too late to register for the upcoming study of St. Paul’s Letters from Prison. The weekly series runs on Tuesdays between September 12 and December 12, in two time slots: 9:30-11:00 AM or 7:00-8:30 PM. Each session includes small group prayer & discussion and a DVD lecture. Register ASAP by calling Beth Riordan at 610-646-6545.

The New Evangelization

Christ Renews His Parish-Men’s Renewal: If you are looking for an incredible opportunity to stop, pause and reflect on the things that are most important to you, to deepen your prayer life and your relationship with God, and forge new friendships with a group of Catholic men, then please join us on October 13-14. You can register online at StElizabethparish.org or pick up a registration form in the church narthex. For more info or questions, contact Dan Kerr (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-357-0806).

Stewardship Call for Liturgical Ministers

Many of our current liturgical ministers will be completing their terms of service this fall. We are now looking for more parishioners to step up to be extra­ordinary ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, parish greeters or hospitality ministers, ushers or members of our Children's Liturgy of the Word team. You will be trained for the ministry you choose. To offer your service and/or for more info, stop by the Information Station or contact Gen Miceli at 610-646-6550 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Youth Ministry News

A new year of special activities is being planned for youth of all ages. Don’t miss an opportunity to participate in the youth groups at Saint Elizabeth! For info about all our Youth Ministry opportunities, contact Ryan Schwalm or follow us at St. Elizabeth Youth-Ministry on Facebook and @st.es_youthgroup on Instagram.

Financial Corner

Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.

Regular Collection for Sunday, August 19-20, 2017

Weekend Contributions: $20,537.10

[Amount of Loose Cash: $994.50]

Midweek & Auto-Giving: $ 8,606.50

Total Regular Collection: $29,143.60

Number of adult envelope contributions: 556

The annual appeal to support the Church’s missions among African-American and Native-American peoples will be taken up at Mass next weekend. Please use the special collection envelopes provided for the appeal and drop your donation into the regular basket at Mass or send it directly to the parish office.