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Bulletin - October 22, 2017

A Word from Father John

Jesus of Nazareth cleverly escapes the trap set for him by the Pharisees in today's Gospel. Jesus points to the image on the coin as a way to identify to whom it should be repaid. It seems that this is also a crafty way of reminding the people that they themselves are created in the image of God, with the law of God inscribed on their hearts.

How often do we marvel at the fact that we are created in the image and likeness of God? And how often do we see ourselves and treat others in light of this profound truth? Father John Stokely

World Mission Sunday

This weekend we mark the annual observance of World Mission Sunday with the theme: “Mission - the Heart of Christian Faith.” Please pray for missionaries and be as generous as your means allow to the Mission Sunday Collection in support of missionaries in 1,108 develop­ing dioceses around the world.

Annual Forty Hours Devotions

The annual Forty Hours Devotions will be held on Sunday evening through Tuesday evening, November 5-6-7. See the insert in today’s bulletin for more info.

Puerto Rico Hurricane Recovery

In response to the extensive devastation caused by Hurricane Maria across Puerto Rico, the Archdiocese is sponsoring a special collection in support of the ongoing relief efforts there. This weekend and next weekend, special collection envelopes are available in the rear of the church for contributions to this appeal. Thank for you generosity to those in need.

Respect Life Committee

The 2017 Forty Days for Life campaign continues through November 5. Saint Elizabeth parishioners are encouraged to participate in the vigil for life outside Planned Parenthood in West Chester on Saturday, October 28. To do so, go to www.kofc13141.org to sign up for a time that fits your schedule. You can sign up another day by going to www.40daysforlife.com.

Mass Intentions for the Week

October 21-22: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- John Burke (45th Ann)

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Peter & Rose Caruso

Sunday, 9:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Samuel P. Venuti

Monday, 7:30 AM- Daniel Fisher

Tuesday, 7:30 AM- Kathleen Mullin Altman (3rd Ann)

Wednesday, 7:30AM- Geraldine Eppehimer

Thursday, 7:30 AM- Martha Mathis

Friday, 7:30 AM- Helena Tomera

Saturday, 8:30 AM- Susan Fanella

October28-29: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Bonnie & Gail Hatt (1st Ann)

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Rosalyn Malgieri (1st Ann)

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Patrick Wynne (1st Ann)

Sunday, 11:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Readings: Exodus 22/20-26; Psalm 18; 1 Thessalonians 1/5-10; Matthew 22/34-40.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: All are welcome to Exposition in the daily Mass chapel on Mondays between 8:00 AM and 8:30 PM.

Prayer Corner

Please remember in prayer all those who are ill, including Thomas Allwein; Jean Anstine; Eileen Casey; Luann Christmyer; Robert Covatta; William Davison; Mary Ann Falin; Anita Fellenbaum; Trevor Ferraro; Patrick Finch; Robert Hughes; Francis Kohlman; Mary Kozola; Olivia Laurento; Bud Simmonds; Debra Ulicny and Teadora Warner.

Liturgical Life-Altar Server Training

Young parishioners in grade six and above who would like to volunteer as an altar server are encouraged to con­tact the parish office (610-321-1200) ASAP. A five-week training series begins this Wednesday, October 25, at 7:00 PM in church.

Adult Faith Formation

One Book, One Parish: The parish book club will meet this Wednesday, October 25, at 7:00 PM in the Saint Luke Conference Room to discuss Fredrik Backman’s book, A Man Called Ove. For more info, please call DRE Beth Riordan (610-646-6545).

Wine & the Bible: Join Fr. John Stokely on Saturday, November 11, at 7:00 PM for Wine and the Bible - enjoy reflections on the Sacred Scriptures together with some fine wine tasting! Tickets are $25 pp and are being sold in the Ministry Center after all Masses.

Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)

Are you looking for an incredible opportunity to stop, pause and deepen your prayer life and relationship with God? The next Women’s Renewal is on November 17-18. You can register online at stelizabethparish.org or pick up a registration form in the church narthex. For more info or questions, contact Kate Rafferty (610-764-1364 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Baptism News

The next session of Pre-Jordan I: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism will be held on Saturday, November 11, and the next session of Pre-Jordan II: A Call to Christian Parenting, will be held on Saturday, December 9. Both programs begin at 10:30 AM in the ministry center. To register for a Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, call 610-321-1200.

Parent Sacramental Forum

Parents whose children are preparing for First Penance & First Holy Communion are reminded of the special meeting this Saturday, October 28, 8:30-11:15 AM. Come for Mass at 8:30 in church, followed by registration and refreshments in the social hall. At least one parent (and ideally both) are expected to attend. Note: the program is not designed for children.

Parents whose children are preparing for Confirmation will have a similar program on Saturday, November 4, 8:30-11:15 AM. Mass at 8:30 AM in Church will be followed by a program in the social hall.

All Souls Day Book of Remembrance

All parishioners are invited to fill out a list of departed loved ones to be included in this year’s Book of Remembrance. Forms are available at the Hospitality Desk in the church narthex.

All are invited to a Memorial Mass and Reception on Thursday, November 2, at 7:00 PM. Immediate family members who have died in the past year will be remembered by name. May they truly rest in peace!

Parish School News

October Rosary: Join our students in church this Thursday, October 26, at 1:15 PM. All are welcome.

NJHS News: Congratulations to Saint Elizabeth students Qinny Irwin and Michael McGonagle, who were recently inducted into the Bishop Shanahan High School National Junior Honor Society.

Congratulations also to the newly elected Saint Elizabeth NJHS officers: President–Allison Csernek; Vice President–Jack Ringenbach; Secretary–Anna Bellafante; and Treasurer– Morgan Kalmbach.

Fall Open House: Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten families with children ages 3-6 are welcome to attend our Fall Open House on Sunday, November 12, 12:30 PM-2:00 PM. Come discover why Saint Elizabeth Parish School is a special place to learn.

Pastoral Outreach

Help Needed: The many pastoral care programs offered at Saint Elizabeth are only possible thanks to the generosity of parishioners who volunteer to coordinate these activities. We need your help! Please look below and ask yourself where you and your family can offer your stewardship service to help those who need:

Transportation Ministry: We are in great need of drivers to help with rides to weekend Mass and occasional weekly medical appointments. If available, contact Gerry at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Casserole Program: Thanks to those who prepared 69 casseroles for Saint John's Hospice this month. The next casserole collection is on the weekend of November 11-12. If you (and your family) would like to help collect casseroles before a Mass or if you have any questions about the program, please contact Jen Bauhaus (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Angie Fiore (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Sharing Our Bounty: This committee collects food, Giving Tree gifts, candy, etc. throughout the year and needs more people to collect the items before Mass on the weekends. Contact William and Julie Christman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Elementary Faith Formation (EFF)

2017-2018 Theme: Our theme for this year is Family Prayer. Each month we are featuring a Catholic prayer for the whole family. Join us for the Hail Mary all during October, as we honor our Blessed Mother.

Poor Box Program - Burkina Faso

Monetary donations to the poor box during September and October will go for emergency food relief to the people of Burkina Faso, West Africa. To date, a total of $3,793 has been donated toward the minimum goal of $5,000 for this project. The money will be used to purchase a special combination of food and vitamins that will provide nutritious meals for many hungry families of this impoverished country.

Service Project: If we reach our minimum goal, we will have a service project open to adults and families on Saturday, December 2, to prepare several thousand food packets for the people of Burkina Faso. Details will be provided next month. Thanks for your generosity.

Senior Adult Ministry (SAM)

Game Day: Seniors (60+) are invited to come out to the parish ministry center this Thursday, October 26, at 10:30 AM for our monthly game day. Note that there wil not be game days in November and December because of the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays. You will have fun, snacks and good conversation. You are welcome to bring your senior friends, too!

Youth Ministry News

Register now for Saint Elizabeth Youth Ministry! Go to the front page of the parish website www. stelizabethparish.org or email Ryan Schwalm at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get involved!

High School Youth Group (Grades 9-12): Meets weekly on Tuesday nights in the CLC, 7:00-8:30 PM.

Help Needed: We are looking for an additional team leader for our High School Youth Group. We hope to find a leader 20-25 years old who feels called to help at our Tuesday night meetings by leading small groups and activities. If you or someone you know can fill this opening, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Eighth Grade Youth Group: Meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday night each month, 5:30-7:00 PM. The next meeting is on Wednesday, November 1. Come out for the group and then the holy day Mass at 7:00 PM.

Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6-7): Meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday night each month, 5:30-7:00 PM. Join the group on Wednesday, November 1, and then head to church for the holy day Mass at 7:00 PM.

Elementary Youth Group (Grades K-5): Freeplay Saturday nights in the gym once a month, 6:30-8:30 PM. Next Freeplay Night: Saturday, November 4.


Basketball: Registration for the 2017-18 basketball season is under way, now through October 31. Boys and girls from first through eighth grade are eligible. High School registration is open into November. Check out the SEAM website www.seamcyo.com for registration, tryout and cost information.

Knights of Columbus

Keep Christ In Christmas! The Knights of Columbus will be taking orders for religious Christmas cards and car magnets in the ministry center, next to the Stars Rewards table, after Masses on the weekends of November 4-5 and 11-12. Orders may also be placed on-line this year and shipping is available. Cards will be delivered beginning on November 18. For more info and/or to place an order, visit www.kofc13141.org.

The card designs are all new this year. Remember: when you send a religious Christmas card, it is more than just a greeting. It is a reminder of the reason for this special season: Keep Christ In Christmas!

Financial Corner

Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.

Regular Collection for Sunday, October 8:

Weekend Contributions: $17,714.60

[Amount of Loose Cash: $1,042.10]

Midweek & Auto-Giving: $ 7,409.00

Total Regular Collection: $25,123.60

Number of adult envelope contributions: 576

Auto-Giving: There are now 291 families participating in Auto-Giving to ensure a consistent financial support to the parish throughout the year. To receive an electronic copy of the authorization form, please contact Sam Venuti (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

2016-2017 Parish Financial Report: Did you know that our total operating income for last year was $3,738,107 and that operating expenses totaled $3,439,118 (not counting loan principal payments)? Our total indebted­ness was reduced from $5,443,215 to $4,781,426. Look for the 2016-2017 financial report in the mail shortly.

Upcoming Meetings & Activities

For a complete schedule of upcoming meetings, parish activities and other events, check out the online parish bulletin at www.stelizabethparish.org.