• 610-321-1200
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Bulletin - November 26, 2017


A Word from Father Mullin


Imagine yourself standing before the pearly gates. Jesus and Peter are standing just inside the gates greeting new arrivals. What will you say to the Lord, and more importantly, what will the Lord say to you?


Jesus has already told us how we will be measured when we face him at the hour of our death: “Whatso­ever you have done for the least of my brothers and sisters, that you did for me.” Jesus will not be asking how much money we earned or saved in an IRA, nor how much property and possessions we have left to our heirs, nor how many Twitter followers or Facebook friends we have. He will simply reveal to each of us how generously we have cared for the least among us. So ask yourself today: Am I a sheep or a goat?????


Father Tom Mullin




Advent Giving Tree


The Giving Tree will be going up next weekend, December 2-3. Please take a tag from the tree and buy a gift for those in need. Gifts must be returned on or before December 17. Thank you for your generosity!




Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception


The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary will be celebrated on Friday, December 8. This feast is a holy day of obligation for all Catholic believers. Here at Saint Elizabeth, we will have a Mass for the holy day at 7:30 AM, at 12 Noon and at 7:00 PM.




Annual Appeal for St. Charles Seminary


The annual appeal in support of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is being conducted through the end of November. Appeal brochures and gift envelopes are available in the church narthex for those who have not yet made a contribution. Thank you for your support.




RCIA Inquiry


Do you know someone who is searching for life's meaning, for community? Or someone who has asked about the Catholic faith? Please invite them to connect with fellow seekers through the RCIA. Contact DRE Beth Riordan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-646-6545.


Mass Intentions for the Week


November 25-26: Christ the King


Saturday, 5:30 PM- John Mullen


Sunday, 8:00 AM- Peter Caruso, Sr.


Sunday, 9:30 AM- Bernard Comber, Sr.


Sunday, 11:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth


Monday, 7:30 AM- Susan Jiannino


Tuesday, 7:30 AM- John & Kathleen Kilgallen


Wednesday, 7:30 AM- Robert Naylor


Thursday, 7:30 AM- Patricia Djuhadi (1st Ann)


Friday, 7:30 AM- Martha Mathis


Saturday, 8:30 AM- Parish Memorial Mass


Eugene Brady; James Hamsher; Thomas Hughes; George James; Jeanne LaRosa; Joan Lawrence; Mary Elizabeth Mickulik; Victoria Moon; James Shanahan and John Welch Tunnell.


December 2-3: First Sunday of Advent


Saturday, 5:30 PM- Carolanne Morgenthaler


Sunday, 8:00 AM- Peter Pienciak (15th Ann)


Sunday, 9:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth


Sunday, 11:30 AM- Eric Thornton


Readings: Isaiah 63/16b-17, 19b; 64/2-7 Psalm 80; 1 Corinthians 1/3-9; Mark 13/33-37


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: All are welcome to Exposition in the daily Mass chapel on Mondays between 8:00 AM and 8:30 PM.




Prayer Corner


Please pray for all those who are ill, including Trevor Ferraro; Sheila Flynn; James Ford; Stephen Griminski; Joseph Janzer; Ginny Klimek; Mimi Rogge; Jared Steczak; Leonard Szyper and Kerri Zagari.


We also remember those who have died, including Margaret Ann Raspa, mother of John Raspa, and all our loved ones whose names are listed in the 2017 Book of Remembrance. May they rest in peace!




Liturgical Music Ministry


The Parish Music Ministry needs YOU! No Music experience required. Minimal/convenient rehearsal times for most parish music groups. Please contact Louise Shanley (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to learn about the dif­ferent groups and their schedules.




Parish School News


Neumann Scholar: Congratulations to eighth grader, Anna Bellafante, who has been named a 2018 Neumann Scholar. This honor entitles the winners to a four-year tuition scholarship to an Archdiocesan high school of their choice. The scholarship winners are among the most academically talented students in the Archdiocese, selected from among 907 students who sat for the scholarship examination this year.


PSAC Meeting: The next meeting of the Parish School Advisory Council will be held on Wednesday, November 29, at 7:00 PM in the St. Luke room.


School Musical: Come out for Shrek - The Musical (Junior Version) this Friday, December 1, or this Saturday, December 2, at 7:00 PM in the gym. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $10/adult and $7/student.




Elementary Faith Formation


2017-2018 Theme: Our theme for this year is Family Prayer. Each month families will pray and go deeper into the meaning of a Catholic prayer. Our November prayer is Grace Before Meals, to help us prepare for our celebration of Thanksgiving. Check the parish website and Facebook page for a special Advent Prayer for December, too!


Advent Family Prayer Service: EFF students and their families will gather for an Advent Prayer Service at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, December 5; at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, December 6, and also at 5:00 PM on Monday, December 11. Please plan to attend one of these sessions. Note: There will be no 4:45 PM EFF classes that Tuesday (12/5) nor 6:30 PM classes that Monday (12/11).


Stewardship opportunities: Join our amazing team! An adult catechist assistant is needed for a small kindergarten class on Wednesday afternoons, 4:45-6:00 PM. We also need several teaching assistants, car line attendants and office helpers for other sessions. To volunteer, please call 610-646-6545.




Adult Faith Formation


Women’s Advent by Candlelight: Come prepare your hearts for Jesus' birth! Join us Wednesday, December 6, at 7:00 PM in the social hall. Experience an evening of Advent preparation focused on the true meaning of Christmas. For more info, contact Maria Fraser at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Reconciliation Opportunities in Advent


All are encouraged to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance in preparation for Christmas. Confessions are heard in chapel on Saturday mornings at 9:00 AM.


A Communal Celebration of Penance with Individual Confessions will be held at Saint Elizabeth on Tuesday, ­December 19, at 7:00 PM in church. On Saturday, December 23, we will have an extended period for confessions (9:00-11:00 AM). A number of visiting confessors will be on hand on both occasions.




Baptism News


The next session of Pre-Jordan II: A Call to Christian Parenting, will be held on Saturday, December 9 and the next session of Pre-Jordan I: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism will be held on Saturday, January 13. Both programs begin at 10:30 AM in the ministry center. To register for a Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, call 610-321-1200.




Safe Environment Program


All adults who volunteer in any activity where children are present are required to have on file at the parish services office all PA state requirements and all requirements from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the protection of youth before any service can begin.


For specific information regarding requirements, go to www.stelizabethparish.org and use the drop down "Get Involved" and then click on "Volunteers - Safe Environment Requirements.”


The Protecting God's Children training class will be offered at Saint Elizabeth on December 7, 2017, and March 15, 2018. Classes fill up quickly, so go online now to register at www.virtusonline.org.




Pastoral Outreach News


Casserole Program: The next casserole collection is on the weekend of December 9-10. Saint John's Hospice was grateful for the 121 casseroles sent this month, along with the 20 boxes of Halloween candy. Your acts of kindness are greatly appreciated and help to provide a hot meal and a special treat for many! If you (and your family) would like to help collect casseroles before a Mass or if you have any questions about the program, please contact Jen Bauhaus (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Angie Fiore (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Thank you for your generous support of this ministry!


Poor Box Program: We exceeded our goal! In addition to parishioners’ generous support of the two special appeals to assist recovery efforts from recent hurricanes and wild fires, many people have also contributed to the poor boxes in support of the people of Burkina Faso. Donations topped $7,000.00, which will allow us to make 14,000 meals!


Burkina Faso Food Packaging Project: Please see the insert in today’s bulletin for information about this project this Saturday, December 2, beginning with 8:30 AM Mass in church.




Social Fellowship News


All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast: Come out to the social hall next Sunday, December 3, 8:30-11:00 AM, for a special family breakfast. The cost is $5.00 per adult, $3.00 per child (3 to 12 years old); children under 3 eat for free! The menu will include pancakes (plain or chocolate chip), sausage, coffee, tea and milk. Special activities will be held for children during breakfast, too. No advance tickets are needed - simply pay at the door.




Senior Adult Ministry: Pot Luck Lunch


Are you coming to the noon holy day Mass on Friday, December 8? Are you old enough to be called a senior? - That’s 60+ years old! SAM invites all seniors to join us for lunch and fellowship after the noon Mass. All it takes is your favorite side dish, salad or dessert and a phone call. Register by contacting Gen Miceli (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-646-6550).




Youth Ministry News


Register now for Saint Elizabeth Youth Ministry! Go to the front page of the parish website www.stelizabeth parish.org or email Ryan Schwalm at rschwalm @stelizabethparish.org to get involved!


High School Youth Group (Grades 9-12): Meets weekly on Tuesday nights in the CLC, 7:00-8:30 PM.


Help Needed: We are looking for an additional team leader for our High School Youth Group. We hope to find a leader 20-25 years old who feels called to help at our Tuesday night meetings by leading small groups and activities. If you or someone you know can fill this opening, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Eighth Grade Youth Group: Meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday night each month, 5:30-7:00 PM. The next meeting is this Wednesday, November 29.


Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6-7): Meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday night each month, 5:30-7:00 PM. Join the group this Wednesday, November 29!


Elementary Youth Group (Grades K-5): Our next Free Play Night will be on Saturday, December 16, 6:30-8:30 PM in the gym.




Financial Corner


Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.


Regular Collection for Sunday, November 12, 2017


Weekend Contributions: $23,208.19


[Amount of Loose Cash: $1,171.01]


Midweek & Auto-Giving: $16,731.50


Total Regular Collection: $39,939.69


Number of adult envelope contributions: 642


Religious Retirement Collection: The annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious Priests, Sisters & Brothers will be taken up at all Masses next weekend. Contributions may be dropped into the regular collection basket at Mass or sent directly to the parish ministry center during the week. Thank you.


2016-2017 Parish Financial Report: The financial report for fiscal 2016-2017 is being mailed this week. Questions about the financial report should be directed to Fr. Mullin or Sam Venuti at 610-321-1200. Thank you for your commitment to a generous stewardship of treasure all year long!




Upcoming Meetings & Activities


For a complete schedule of upcoming meetings, parish activities and other events, check out the online parish bulletin at www.stelizabethparish.org.




2018 Breaking Bread Hymnals


The 2018 Breaking Bread hymnals are being distributed around the church and chapel pews this coming week. Please do not remove the protective covers from the hymnals.


Note: The ordinary parts of the Mass are provided on pages 3-30, including the Gloria (page 6), the Profession of Faith (page 9), and the Eucharistic Prayers (pages 12-26). Next time you are sitting in the pews, take a few minutes to become more familiar with the liturgical sections of the hymnals.




Happy Thanksgiving to One and All!

Upcoming Meetings & Events

RCIA & Inquiry: Mondays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

High School Music Ministry: Mondays, 7:00 PM, CLC

Adult Bible Study: Tuesdays, 9:30 AM, St. Matthew, and 7:00 PM, St. Mark

CRHP-Women’s Team: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, Holy Family

High School Youth Group: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, CLC

Finance Council: Tuesday (11/28), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Adult Faith Formation Committee: Tuesday (11/28), 7:30 PM, St. Mark

Walking With Purpose: Wednesdays, 9:00 AM, St. Matthew & St. Mark

CRHP Women’s Evening of Discipleship: Wednesday (11/29), 6:30 PM, social hall

CRHP Continuation Committee: Wednesday (11/29), 7:00 PM, St. Mark

Legion of Mary: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

CRHP Men’s Formation: Thursdays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

Women at the Well: Thursdays, 7:00 PM and Fridays, 9:00 AM, St. Mark

Church Decorating Team: Saturday (12/2), 9:00 AM, Church, Chapel, Narthex

Social Fellowship Pancake Breakfast: Sunday (12/3), 8:30-11:00 AM, social hall

CRHP Pentecost Event: Sunday (12/3), 2:30 PM, St. Matthew

Joseph’s People: Monday (12/4), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

EFF Advent Prayer Service: Tuesday (12/5), 6:30 PM and Wednesday (12/6), 5:00 PM, Church

Knights of Columbus: Tuesday (12/5), 7:30 PM, St. Matthew

Stewardship Council: Tuesday (12/5), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Spirit Newsletter Committee: Tuesday (12/5), 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

Cub Scouts: Wednesday (12/6), 5:30 PM, art room, education center library

Advent by Candlelight: Wednesday (12/6), 7:00 PM, Social Hall

Middle School & Eighth Grade Youth Groups: Wednesday (12/6), 5:30 PM, St. John the Baptist

Protecting God’s Children: Thursday (12/7), 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

Parish Vocations Committee: Thursday (12/7), 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

SAM Potluck Luncheon: Friday (12/8), after the noon Mass, Ministry Center Conference Rooms

Pre-Jordan II: Saturday (12/9), 10:30 AM, St. Matthew & St. Mark

Casserole Collection: Saturday/Sunday (12/9-10), before all Masses, bay area & social hall

Saint Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church

Sunday, November 26, 2017


Villa Maria Lower School: Children ages 0-4 and a parent or caregiver are invited to a free “Makin’ Music at Villa Maria Academy” program on Monday, January 22, 2018, at 10:00 AM in the gymnasium. RSVP on our website (www.villamaria.org) or contact Erin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any questions. The Lower School also holds “Story Hour” for children ages 2-5, from 10:00-11:30 AM on the following Thursdays: December 7, January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, and May 3. For more info contact Jill Noss (jnoss@villa>


Vigil for Life: Join Rev. Francis B. Danielski, O.Praem, as a volunteer Helper of God’s Precious Infants on Saturday, December 2, 8:00 AM Mass at Saint Agnes, West Chester, followed by a Rosary Pilgrimage to Planned Parenthood.

Schuylkill Valley Regional Dance Company: Presents the Nutcracker on Saturday, December 2, 6:00 PM and Sunday, December 3, 3:30 PM at the Phoenixville Area Middle School Theater. This production features over 40 local dancers and actors as well as guest artists in the roles of the Sugarplum Fairy and her Cavalier. Tickets and information available online: www.tututix.com/svrdc or at the door.

Bishop Shanahan High School: Come enjoy the season’s blessings at Bishop Shanahan High School’s Christmas Craft and Gift Show on Saturday, December 2 from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Shop from 170 handmade crafts and vendor gifts. Admission is $5 for adults; youth under 13, seniors and religious are complimentary. Snow date is Sunday, December 3.

Kairos Prison Ministry International of PA Spaghetti Dinner: Please join us on Saturday, December 2, 5:00-8:00 PM, at SS. Philip & James Church cafeteria. Adults: $10, Children: $8, Family: $4.

Proceeds benefit the Kairos Prison Ministry. The prison ministry’s volunteers are christian, ecumenical, lay-led who minister to incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them.

BSHS Winter-Summer Programs: BSHS and Dr. Richard Fuller offers the most comprehensive 35-hour training experience in PSAT/SAT Program in the area (student-teacher ratio of 8:1 in math). Classes begin January 10, 2018. Information is also available on the summer program which includes: Algebra 1 enrichment program (grades 5-9) and Math Programs in Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus and Calculus (all grades); Critical Thinking and Study Skills program (grades 8-12); and a PSAT/SAT Program. Summer classes begin June 18, 2018. For more info, call Dr. Fuller (610-247-5933) or BSHS (610-518-1300).

St. Peter Parish, West Brandywine: The Respect Life Committee is offering a seminar on the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaPro Technology on Monday, December 4, 7:00-8:00 PM. Presenter is Marie DiCecco, MS, FCPI and is open to married couples, engaged couples and single females. Contact Marie DiCecco at 610-202-4751 with any questions. For more information on the Creighton Model System visit http://www.popepaulvi.com.

Holy Martyrs, Oreland, PA: Advent Lessons and Carols on Wednesday, December, 6, 7:00 PM, featuring students of Martin Saints Classical High School. For more info visit www.martinsaints

classical.org. The Faithful Traveler in Fatima with Diana von Glahn will be presented on Wednesday, December 13, at 6:00 PM in the Fr. Szal Conference Room.

SS. Simon & Jude, West Chester: Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart program on Thursday, December 7. The program begins at 6:30 PM with Rosary in the Chapel and Holy Mass at 7:00 PM in the Main Church. There will be sharing from Maryland State Leader, Diane Salem, prayer for Receiving the Flame concluding with Benediction. Questions: Call Mary at 302-388-3752.

St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Open House & Christmas Concert: All are invited to our Open House from 1:00-4:00 PM on Sunday, December 10. One-hour campus tours begin at 1:00 PM with the last tour beginning at 3:00 PM. The Christmas Concert begins at 4:00 PM in St. Martin of Tours Chapel. This Christmas Concert features the St. Charles Borremo Seminary choir and musicians. Light refreshments will be served prior to the concert. A free-will offering, to benefit The Sisters of Life at St. Malachy’s parish in Philadelphia, will be collected at intermission.

Malvern Retreat House: Flame of Love Retreat presented by Fr. James Blount, Society of Our Lady of the Trinity-Georgia Mission, on December 15-17. For more info call 610-644-0400, or to register visit malvernretreat.com/register.

St. Mary of Providence Center, Elverson: Christmas Open House, Saturday, December 16 & Sunday, December 17, 1:00-5:00 PM. Tour the Potts Mansion. Visit with Santa on December 17 only. Snacks included. Cost is $10. For more info call 610-942-4166.

Retrouvaille Marriage Program: Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage! Tens of thousands of couples have saved their marriages by attending the Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow. The next weekend is February 16-18, 2018, at the Family Life Center in Malvern. For more information, or to register, visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

REAL: Reading Excites All Learners: Join fellow parishioners and make a REAL impact in the life of a 2nd grade student in Chester County. Reading proficiently by third grade is a prime indicator of success in school and in life, yet many children throughout Chester County are reading below grade level. One Volunteer+One Child+One Hour=REAL Success. The REAL program is administered by Partners in Outreach. For more information on how you can help visit www.RealTutoring.org, email Diane Ward at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 610-308-3357. All training and materials will be provided by Partners in Outreach.

Haven Foster Care: We are looking for wonderful homes for many children who are in need of compassionate and loving foster care. If you can give a home to one of these children, or would like more information, please contact Kelly at 215-347-4444, Ext. 9.

Malvern Retreat House: There are many wonderful upcoming retreats scheduled. For more information and a list of upcoming retreats, visit www.malvernretreat.com or call 610-644-0400.

Saint Aloysius Academy/Villa Maria Academy Lower School: All are invited to a free Parent Speaker Series on the following dates: Thursday, February 21-Radnor Police Officers presents “Internet Safety for Parents,” at St. Aloysius Academy’s Katharine Drexel Hall; and on Thursday, April 26, Sr. Patricia McCormack, IHM, presents “Raising Christian Children in Today’s World,” VMA Gymnasium. All events begin at 7:00 PM. For more information, email Erin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.villamaria.org.

Saint Elizabeth Burkina Faso Food Project

Saturday, December 2, 2017 8:30 AM (Mass) - 11:30 AM

at Saint Elizabeth


Any parishioners over the age of 5 (all children must be accompanied by an adult).


Using the generous donations to our poor box collection in September & October, we hope to make over 14,000 meals @ $.50 per meal for the people of Burkina Faso (West Africa) which will be distributed through Catholic Relief Services. Participants will be able to taste the "fortified rice-soy meal" that we are putting together - a real learning experience!



Come to church for the 8:30 AM Mass on Saturday morning, December 2, and then proceed to the social hall for the service project. Jobs will be assigned in the social hall.

'As stewards of the abundant gifts God gives us, we freely share them with our brothers and sisters everywhere."


Go to http://helpinghands.crs.org/events/st-elizabeth-parish/ or to www.stelizabethparish.org

Click on "Register Now". You will have to create a User Name and Password. Funds have already been collected so on Funds' page, 0 (zero) can be placed in amount field.

Space is limited - first come, first served!

Go to: www.youtube.com watch?v=cF2DBlAppVc&feature=youtu.be to see an event in action!

Interfaith Action Community

December 7th Interfaith Open I-louse

Please join this wonderful opportunity to connect with our interfaith neighbors and also to help hurricane victims.

Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church 2440 Conestoga road

Chester Springs, PA 19425


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Evening's Agenda

6:30 PM Packing school bags. Homemade 14 by 16-inch cloth bags (made of heavy material) store bought also acceptable. No advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols. Pads of paper, spiral or top bound pads (no composition books or 3 or 5 subject notebooks); 24 crayon boxes; blunt scissors; unsharped pencils; pencil sharpener; 30-centimeter rulers.

7:00 PM Tour of Church

7:15 PM Evening Prayers

7:45 PM Refreshments & Conversation

Activities available for children K-5th grade.

RSVP to Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-458-5675