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Bulletin - December 31, 2017

A Word from Father Stokely

This weekend the Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. And this Monday, as the Church celebrates the feast of Mary, Mother of God, we begin a New Year.

As we look back on accomplished (and perhaps yet unfulfilled) resolutions from 2017, we all hope for the best in the year ahead. My hope is for our parish family to follow the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth, so that as we grow in faith and holiness we may make Christ present to the world.

May God bless your families this year, and may our #1 resolution be to reflect God's love to one another.

Fr. John Stokely

Catholics Coming Home

A special six-week program entitled No Greater Love- Catholics Coming Home, begins on Monday, January 8, at 7:00 PM in church. Please consider extending an invitation to a family member, friend or neighbor who has been estranged from the Church for any reason whatever and might be open to a gentle re-entry into a more active practice of their Catholic Faith. It just might be the best Christmas gift you have ever given!

Pastoral Visit by Our Regional Bishop

On Sunday, January 7, we will welcome Bishop John McIntyre, who will celebrate the 9:30 AM Mass, lead the presentation & blessing of sacramental candidates at that Mass, and greet parishioners in the narthex after Mass. All are invited to participate in this pastoral visit and meet Bishop McIntyre on Sunday, January 7.

Parish Interfaith Action Committee

As part of our ongoing relationship with the Interfaith Action Community, our parish is hosting a church tour and social gathering on Thursday, January 11, beginning in the social hall at 7:00 PM. After the church tours, we will have a Q & A session and informal conversation with refreshments. Plan now to bring your family and friends to meet members of other faith traditions living in the local area. If you would like to help with the evening, contact Gen Miceli (610-646-6550).

Mass Intentions for the Week

December 30-31: Feast of the Holy Family

Saturday, 5:30 PM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Raymond Boncek

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Lynn Cugini (1st Ann)

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Dorothy Bergeron

January 1: Mary, Mother of God

[not a holy day of obligation this year]

Monday, 10:00 AM- Henry Purk

Tuesday, 7:30 AM- Frank Detweiler

Wednesday, 7:30 AM- Faye Taraschi

Thursday, 7:30 AM- Barbara Cox (1st Ann)

Friday, 7:30 AM- Dennis Cooney

Saturday, 8:30 AM- Parish Memorial Mass

Patricia Angeline; Patrick Callaghan; William Davison; Shannon Lafferty; Arthur Leigh; John Cusack Murphy; Martin Murray; Barnes McCormick; Fiorella Nickels and Margaret Ann Raspa.

January 6-7: Epiphany of the Lord

Saturday, 5:30 PM- James McGowan (1st Ann)

Sunday, 8:00 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Frank Tyas

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Kevin Brian Farley

Readings: Isaiah 60/1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3/2-3, 5-6; Matthew 2/1-12

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: There is no Exposition this Monday, New Year’s Day. Next Monday, January 8, Exposition will close at 4:30 PM to accommodate EFF classes in the chapel. On subse­quent Mondays, Exposition will close at 8:30 PM.

Prayer Corner

Please pray for all those who are ill, including Louise Ardoline; Patrick Cerullo; Robert Fitch; John Lazarich; Francisco Martinez; Timothy McCormick; Marian Norton; Shirley O’Brien; Ngoc Phan; John Simoylo and Lurita Soprano.

We also remember Margaret Rutups, sister of Robert D’Ambrosio and all the parishioners and the immediate family members of parishioners who have died during 2017. May all our departed loved ones truly rest in peace!

Baptism News

The next session of Pre-Jordan I: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism will be held on Saturday, January 13 and the next session of Pre-Jordan II: A Call to Christian Parenting, will be held on Saturday, February 10. Both programs begin at 10:30 AM in the ministry center. To register for a Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, call 610-321-1200.

Called & Gifted Workshop

Have you ever thought about what the Lord is calling you to do? Attending this workshop is a great way to discover your gifts and respond to His call in stewardship service to others. The four-part workshop series begins on Monday, January 8, 7:00-9:00 PM, in the ministry center. For more info, contact Chris Hill (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; 484-368-4635).

Parish School News

Happy New Year: The faculty, staff and students of Saint Elizabeth Parish School wish all in our parish a very happy and healthy New Year! Regular classes resume this Tuesday, January 3.

First Friday Mass: All are invited to join us for our Mass on Friday, January 5, at 11:15 AM in the church.

Open House for Catholic Schools Week: All are welcome to tour our school on Sunday, January 28, 12:30-2:00 PM. Come and see why Saint Elizabeth Parish School is a special place to learn. Stop by with a friend or spread the good news to others! Application materials will be available for those who are considering the enrollment of their children for the 2018-2019 school year.

Re-Registration and New Applications: The re-registration of current students and the advanced application for incoming siblings begin on Monday, January 8. New student application for parish families begins on Tuesday, January 30, and for non-parish families on Wednesday, January 31. For more info, call the school office at 610-646-6540.

RCIA Inquiry

Do you know someone who is searching for life's meaning, for community? Or someone who has asked about the Catholic faith? Please invite them to learn more about the RCIA by contacting DRE Beth Riordan at 610-646-6545 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Adult Faith Formation

Winter Bible Study: All are invited to a special 8-week series entitled Mary, A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother. Filmed on location in the Holy Land, this study will place you in the midst of the powerful drama of Mary's earthly life. The series begins on Tuesday, January 23, whether at the morning session (9:30-11:00 AM) or at the evening session (7:00-8:30 PM). To register, go online at goo.gl/4ZcwZY by Tuesday, January 16, or call Donna Skinner (610-873-0508).

Elementary Faith Formation

Happy New Year! There are no EFF classes on January 1 and 2. Classes will resume on Wednesday, January 3.

Reminder: Parents of children preparing to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or First Holy Communion this spring are reminded to turn in the required registration form, photo banner permission and sponsor form no later than this Friday, January 5.

Presentation of Sacramental Candidates: Families with candidates for Confirmation and/or First Holy Com­munion are invited to attend the 9:30 AM or 11:30 AM Mass next Sunday, January 7, for a special blessing of candidates, followed by a simple reception in the social hall after Mass.

Sacramental Prayer Tree: All parishioners are invited to stop in the church narthex next weekend to take an ornament and pray for the sacramental candidate whose name is on the ornament.

Middle School Faith Formation: For information about the next study series for 7th & 8th graders entitled: Theology of the Body for Teens, Middle School Edition, go to the faith formation link on parish website or contact Beth Riordan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; 610-646-6545).

Family Life Ministry

March for Life: This year’s annual March for Life will be held on Friday, January 19, 2018 (not on Monday, January 22, the actual anniversary of Roe vs. Wade court decision). To participate, sign up for the bus at the info table in the narthex after Mass next weekend.

Enrichment Workshop for Married Couples: Husbands and wives – Mark your calendar now and treat your­selves to a special program entitled: The Five Languages of Love on Saturday, February 10, with Mass at 8:30 AM followed by an interactive workshop, 9:00 AM-Noon, in the social hall. More info to follow.

Pastoral Outreach News

Looking for a New Year's resolution? Here are two good opportunities for stewardship service:

Monthly Casserole Collection for St. John’s Hospice: We need more volunteers to help collect casseroles before weekend Masses once each month. To volunteer, contact Angie Fiore (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Jen Bauhaus (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Transportation Committee: This team drives people to Mass on Sundays and/or to medical appointments during the week. If you are going to Mass and have room in your car, please consider picking up someone who would not be able to make it to church. Contact Gerry Caggiano (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-458-


Senior Adult Ministry

Lunch and Learn: Plan now to join us on Thursday, January 11, at 10:30 AM for a presentation by Bruce Mowday, a local author who will speak about the Johnston Brothers, the gang who stole millions of dollars and murdered four teenagers and how the gang was brought to justice. Come out with a friend!

Youth Ministry News

Register now for Saint Elizabeth Youth Ministry! Go to the front page of the parish website www.stelizabeth parish.org or email Ryan Schwalm at rschwalm @stelizabethparish.org to get involved!

Eighth Grade Youth Group + Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6-7): We will begin the new year with meetings on Wednesday, January 3, 5:30-7:00 PM in the St. John the Baptist Room.

Elementary Youth Group (Grades K-5): Our next Group Freeplay Night is scheduled for Saturday, January 20, 2018, 6:30-8:30 PM in the parish gym.

High School Youth Group (Grades 9-12): Meets weekly on Tuesday nights in the CLC, 7:00-8:30 PM.

Help Needed: We are looking for an additional team leader for our HSYG. We hope to find a leader 20-25 years old who feels called to help at our Tuesday night meetings by leading small groups and activities. If you or someone you know can fill this opening, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Weather Notice: ALL youth groups & sports events are cancelled on same day/night that school is closed or EFF is cancelled. Check the website for the latest info.

Exton-Lionville Ministerium News

All are invited to participate in the annual Prayer Service for Christian Unity on Sunday, January 21, at 7:00 PM at the Exton Community Baptist Church. Rev.

Gary Jacabella, pastor of the Exton United Methodist Church, will be the guest preacher and the 2018 theme is: Your Right Hand, O Lord, Glorious in Power (Exodus 15:6). Mark your calendars now!

Financial Corner

Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.

Regular Collection for December 16-17, 2017

Weekend Contributions: $25,061.50

[Amount of Loose Cash: $1,347.50]

Midweek & Auto-Giving: $ 6,499.00

Total Regular Collection: $31,560.50

Number of adult envelope contributions: 690

Auto-Giving: Join close to 300 fellow parishioners and enroll in Auto-Giving by contacting Sam Venuti (610-646-6515 or svenuti @stelizabethparish.org).

Tax Statements for 2017: Because so many people now keep their own computer banking records, the parish does not automatically mail out tax statements each year. Parishioners who would like a tax statement for their 2017 donations are welcome to contact the parish office (610-321-1200) and a statement will be mailed out to you promptly. Thank you for your generosity to Saint Elizabeth Church!

A Word of Appreciation

Thank you to all who have contributed to our liturgical celebrations for Christmas: church cleaners & decorators; maintenance staff and sacristans; liturgical musicians and sound system operators; ushers, greeters & hospitality ministers; altar servers, readers & extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion; our deacons and an actively participating congregation – all had a significant role in making Christmas at Saint Elizabeth a time of prayerful joy. Thanks to all!

Upcoming Meetings & Activities

For a complete schedule of upcoming meetings, parish activities and other events, check out the online parish bulletin at www.stelizabethparish.org.

Happy New Year 2018 to One and All!

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Knights of Columbus: Tuesday (1/2), 7:30 PM

High School Youth Group: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, CLC

8th Grade & Middle School Youth Groups: Wednesday (1/3), 5:30 PM, St. John the Baptist

Cub Scouts: Wednesday (1/3), 6:00 PM, Social Hall, CLC, Faculty Lounge

CRHP Continuation Committee: Wednesday (1/3), 7:00 PM, St. Mark

Interfaith Action Committee: Wednesday (1/3), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Legion of Mary: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

Parish Youth Council: Thursday (1/4), 6:00 PM, CLC

CRHP-Men’s Formation: Thursdays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

Women at the Well: Thursdays, 7:00 PM and Fridays, 9:00 AM, St. Mark

Casserole Collection: Saturday/Sunday (1/6-7), before all Masses, Kitchen Bay Doors

Presentation of Sacramental Candidates & Reception: Sunday (1/7), 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM Mass, Church & Social Hall

RCIA: Mondays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

High School Music Ministry: Mondays, 7:00 PM, CLC

Senior Adult Ministry (SAM): Monday (1/8), 3:00 PM, St. Luke

Called & Gifted: Monday (1/8), 6:30 PM, St. Matthew

Social Fellowship Committee: Monday (1/8), 7:00 PM, St. Mark

Catholics Coming Home: Monday (1/8), 7:00 PM, School Library

Family Life Ministry Team: Monday (1/8), 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

Stewardship Council: Tuesday (1/9), 7:30 PM, St. Luke

Faith Formation Action Committee: Wednesday (1/10), St. Luke

Stewardship Day of Service Planning Team: Wednesday (1/10), 7:00 PM, St. Mark

Girl Scouts: Wednesday (1/10), 7:00 PM, CLC

CRHP-Men’s Formation: Thursday (1/11), 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

Interfaith Open House & Tour: Thursday (1/11), 7:00 PM, Church/Social Hall

MLK Food & Toiletry Collection: Sat./Sun. (1/13-14), before all Masses, Holy Family Room


Advancement Director Needed: SS. Philip & James Parish School, Exton seeks a part-time Advancement Director. Under the employment of the Pastor, the Advancement Director reports to the Principal and is responsible for the overall planning, management, coordination and evaluation of enrollment management, development, communications and constituent/public relations initiatives of the school. For more information and a list of job qualifications please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Part-Time Office Assistant Needed: Our Lady’s Missionaries of the Eucharist, Birdsboro, is looking for a part-time office assistant, 2-3 days per week, 8:30 AM-3:00 PM; and 1-2 days per week during the summer. If interested, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 610-582-3333.

Medical Assistant/LPN Needed: Established medical practice in Exton is looking for a mature, responsible, dependable person to work 25-30 hours per week (some evenings required). Experience with Electronic Medical Records preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Paid vacation and personal days. Email resume to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if interested.

St. Peter Parish, West Brandywine: We are very happy to announce the opening of our new parish hall, the Celebration Center. This beautiful 12,200 square foot facility has modern finishes with a warm rustic charm. The spacious banquet hall accommodates table seating for 250 guests, is ADA accessible and provides plenty of space for both large and small events. For additional information about the Celebration Center, visit saintpetercelebrationcenter.com or contact Event Manager, Jill Longo (610-380-9045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Vigil for Life: Join Rev. William G. Donavan as volunteer Helpers of God's Precious Infants in a Vigil for Life on Saturday, January 6, 8:00 AM Mass at Saint Agnes, West Chester, followed by a Rosary Pilgrimage to Planned Parenthood.

Volunteer English Program in Chester County: Become a volunteer tutor of English to adult immigrants and refugees in Chester County. Prior teaching experience is not necessary. Join us at the next Tutoring Training Workshop on Friday, January 19, Monday, January 22 and Tuesday, January 24 (3-day, 9 hour training), 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon each dat at Calvary Lutheran Church in West Chester. Workshop Fee is $35 per person. For more information, call the office at 610-918-8222 or register on line at www.volunteerenglish.org.

Villa Maria Lower School: Children ages 0-4 and a parent or caregiver are invited to a free “Makin’ Music at Villa Maria Academy” program on Monday, January 22, 2018, at 10:00 AM in the gymnasium. RSVP on our website (www.villamaria.org) or contact Erin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any questions. The Lower School also holds “Story Hour” for children ages 2-5, from 10:00-11:30 AM on the following Thursdays: January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, and May 3. For more info contact Jill Noss (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Cups for Caritas - Bethesda Project: Students from Malvern Preparatory School and Villa Maria Academy are hosting the Cups for Caritas, our 2017-2018 iteration on the ten-year tradition of Empty Bowls events at Malvern. This year's event, which raises funds for Bethesda Project (www.bethesdaproject.org), will be held on Sunday, January 14, on Malvern Prep's campus. The event will begin with 9:00 Mass in Our Mother of Good Counsel Chapel and will feature student and guest speakers sharing context for the caritas of this year's event. The doors of Stewart Hall will open at 10:30 where guests will have the opportunity to choose a handmade ceramic cup to use and keep as a reminder that there are always people in our world in need of caritas. The morning features a simple buffet-style brunch, a silent auction, guest speakers, and a "leftovers" cup sale. Tickets are $25/adult and $15/children 10 + under. Advance ticket sales are appreciated and available online at www.mpemptybowls.org. For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 484-595-5203.

BSHS Winter-Summer Programs: BSHS and Dr. Richard Fuller offers the most comprehensive 35-hour training experience in PSAT/SAT Program in the area (student-teacher ratio of 8:1 in math). Classes begin January 10, 2018. Information is also available on the summer program which includes: Algebra 1 enrichment program (grades 5-9) and Math Programs in Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus and Calculus (all grades); Critical Thinking and Study Skills program (grades 8-12); and a PSAT/SAT Program. Summer classes begin June 18, 2018. For more info, call Dr. Fuller (610-247-5933) or BSHS (610-518-1300).

St. Eleanor Parish, Collegeville: Join us for a Mass for those suffering from addiction, on Saturday, January 27, at 11:00 AM. All are invited. Reaching out to our Veterans! For those who desire, confession is available from 10:00-10:45 AM. Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is in Our Lady Chapel. Celebrant will be Reverend Christopher C. Moriconi, Parochial Vicar. Addiction has touched far too many families and taken far too many of our loved ones. Join us that we may draw strength from one another in the power of our faith. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

Martin Saints Classical High School: Now accepting applications for 9th and 10 grade. Come to our Information Night and Open House on Thursday, February 1, 7:00 PM, in the Fr. Szal Room, of Holy Martyrs Church, Oreland, PA. MSC offers a classical education integrated with mathematics and natural sciences. Regular outdoor adventures and opportunities for corporal works of mercy are included. To RSVP or for more information, contact Adam Dickerson (adickerson@martinsaints>


Retrouvaille Marriage Program: Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage! Tens of thousands of couples have saved their marriages by attending the Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow. The next weekend is February 16-18, 2018, at the Family Life Center in Malvern. For more information, or to register, visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

Haven Foster Care: We are looking for wonderful homes for many children who are in need of compassionate and loving foster care. If you can give a home to one of these children, or would like more information, please contact Kelly at 215-347-4444, Ext. 9.

Saint Aloysius Academy/Villa Maria Academy Lower School: All are invited to a free Parent Speaker Series on the following dates: Thursday, February 21-Radnor Police Officers presents “Internet Safety for Parents,” at St. Aloysius Academy’s Katharine Drexel Hall; and on Thursday, April 26, Sr. Patricia McCormack, IHM, presents “Raising Christian Children in Today’s World,” VMA Gymnasium. All events begin at 7:00 PM. For more information, email Erin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.villamaria.org.

Beth Israel Congregation, Chester Springs: Join our Congregation on a tour to Israel, June 19-29, 2018. For more information contact Ayelet Tours, Ltd (www.ayelet.com or 1-800-237-1517). For full itinerary & online registration visit secure.ayelet.com/JCutler2018.aspx.

Poor Box Recipient for January and February, 2018


Mission Statement

The guiding principle of every BIRTHRIGHT Chapter will be:  "It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth, and the right of every child to be born."  Birthright’s mission is to foster love and respect for both mother and baby.  By showing nonjudgmental love and support to the pregnant woman, we help her to respect her baby's life. We recognize that abortion produces two victims, and we treat them both with love and respect. We offer supportive encouragement to a distressed mother helping her carry her baby to term.  We love her and pray that by our example and with our support she will have the confidence and self respect to choose life for her child.

Where Do Your Donations Go?

Amy (not her real name), a college student, came into the office for a pregnancy test to confirm what she suspected.  Initially, after learning of her pregnancy, Amy believed that an abortion was her only option.  Struggling with this decision, she asked for help and found that help at Birthright.  With the support of caring volunteers, Amy was able to continue her pregnancy and deliver her baby.

BIRTHRIGHT is non-profit and has an all volunteer staff.  Your financial donations help to fund TV and print advertisements, support office rent and expenses and, most importantly, help to provide material assistance as needed, including baby clothing and items, maternity clothes, etc.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Birthright could not exist without the help of dedicated volunteers.  Each volunteer is asked to commit 2 to 3 hours once a week in order to keep the office and phone line open on a regular basis.  There are at least 2 volunteers at each shift and BIRTHRIGHT provides all the training you will need to help a woman in a crisis pregnancy.

A BIRTHRIGHT volunteer does "small things with great love, one person at a time."  Mother Teresa

Visit our Web site:  BIRTHRIGHT.org
Contact Information:
BIRTHRIGHT of West Chester
112 South High Street   
West Chester, Pa. 19380
(610) 436-0773  

BIRTHRIGHT of Coatesville
529 Lincoln Hwy
Coatesville, PA 19320
(610) 384-3020

   “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Matthew 25/40                  

                       The Saint Elizabeth Pastoral Outreach Committee
                                          is sponsoring a food and toiletries collection.

   Saturday, January 13
   Sunday, January 14
    (at all Masses)

Donations will go to:
The Lord’s Pantry in Downingtown and
 to Saint John’s Hospice

Suggested Items for Donation:

        Small travel size/hotel size toiletries are most welcome too!

Canned Meats                  Soup, Pasta, Chili                Shampoo,                     Conditioner        
Juice, canned fruit            Cereal, Crackers             
Rice, Rice Dishes               Soups
Peanut Butter, Jelly           Canned Meals, Ravioli            Soap, Deodorant                          Mouthwash, tissues