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Bulletin - June 24, 2018 - Bulletin Inserts

Poor Box Recipient for July and August
“Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Matthew 25/40
Aquinas Center
Supporting Immigrants and Refugees

Aquinas Center supports immigrants and refugees in the Philadelphia area.  The center, sponsored in large part by the people of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, welcomes immigrants.  The center helps “human beings…who have dignity and deserve to have opportunity” through a variety of programs.

Over 550 people use the center weekly for activities ranging from community organizing to sacramental preparation to leadership training to English classes. Leadership for parish and center programming is shared by different cultural communities including: Indonesian, Vietnamese, Latin American, African American, Filipino, and Anglo-Europeans.

Aquinas Center builds unity in diversity, supports learning, and inspires thoughtful action. Hospitality, solidarity, responsiveness, and transformation are the four core values that animate and advance this mission.

Aquinas Center provides space for a wide range of social service programs, meetings, workshops, and other community development type activities. Some of these are ongoing, while others are individual standalone activities. The center has many program partners who utilize the center’s space to offer weekly or monthly services through a formal partnership agreement.

How Can YOU Help?
Pray for justice; speak up against discrimination; show up and be physically present to one another; commit by becoming a volunteer or by mentoring or by donating coffee, tea and other hospitality supplies.  Check out the Aquinas Center website:  https://staquinas.com/aquinascenter.

Aquinas Center
1700 Fernon Street
Philadelphia, PA 19145

Don’t Just Go to Church….Be the Church!
Liturgical Ministers for Sunday liturgies are needed.
Please consider offering your stewardship for any of the ministries…
Greeters, Hospitality, Ushers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Sound Techs, Musicians, Singers.
There is a place for everyone to participate somewhere in the Mass.
The scheduling program is friendly and can group family members together and
block out unavailable dates.
Service times can be requested from one time per month to every weekend.
Forms are in the Narthex.
Please contact the Parish Services office for more info. 610-646-6550 or
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saint Elizabeth Knights of Columbus
Please join the Knights of Columbus on Wednesday, July 4, 8:00 AM in the chapel as they lead the Patriotic Rosary for our nation and its leaders and to celebrate our many blessings and freedoms.  The rosary will be followed by the 9:00 AM Mass in the Church.  

SEAM (Saint Elizabeth Athletic Ministry) Cross Country
SEAM needs a cross country coach in order to offer the program this fall.  If you are interested and can offer your stewardship, please contact Bob Ferraro This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..