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Bulletin - August 12, 2018

Word from Father Mullin

Saint Paul’s words to the Ephesians remain apt for our own times, all the more so in this age of social media:

All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting and reviling must be removed from among you. Be kind, to one another, compassionate and forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.

If all of us took Paul’s words to heart and consistently put them into practice, we might experience a wonderful transformation of our conversations with one another at home, our “water cooler chats” at work and especially the transformation of online emails & blogs, Facebook & Twitter postings and all kinds of civic discourse about political issues and social concerns. Why, we might even enjoy speaking with one another again...

May the Holy Spirit continue to lead us in sus­taining a holy and faithful parish community here at Saint Elizabeth, for unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it.

Fr. Tom Mullin

2018 Mission Cooperation Appeal

This weekend we welcome to Saint Elizabeth, Brother Dennis Lee, FSC, the provincial of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, who is speaking on behalf of the Christian Brothers, the recipient of this year's Mission Cooperation collection. Contri­butions may be dropped into the regular collection basket at Mass or sent directly to the parish office anytime during the week.

Solemnity of the Assumption Holy Day

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is being celebrated this Wednesday, August 15. This feast is a holy day of obligation for all Catholic believers. Mass will be celebrated in church at 7:30 AM, at 12:00 Noon, and at 7:00 PM. Note: all parish offices will be closed for the holy day.


Those seeking to learn more about the Catholic faith are welcome to our inquiry sessions. For more information, contact Deacon Kevin Mead (kmead@stelizabeth parish.org) or call the parish office (610-321-1200).

Legion of Mary

Rosary on the Green: Please join the Legion of Mary this Monday, August 13, at 6:00 PM for another Rosary on the Green out in front of the Church. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of this public witness to our faith and to our love for the Blessed Mother. If is rains, we will meet at the covered front entrance of the church.

Mass Intentions for the Week

August 11-12: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Pietro Sano

Sunday, 8:00 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Richard Kowalski

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Robert Shannon

Monday, 7:30 AM- Fr. Kevin Kelly

Tuesday, 7:30 AM- Roland & Adele Kalpas

Wednesday,7:30 AM- Ralph Grosso (1st Ann)

12:00 Noon- Mitchell Batt

7:00 PM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Thursday, 7:30 AM- Lloyd Shepps

Friday, 7:30 AM- Helen O’Driscoll

Saturday, 8:30 AM- Marshall & Ann Robison

August 18-19: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Karen Smith

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Lynn Cugini

Sunday, 9:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Robert Walters

Readings: Proverbs 9/1-6; Psalm 34; Ephesians 5/1-20; John 6:51-58

Sacramental Confession: Individual confessions are heard in the daily Mass chapel on Saturday mornings at 9:00 AM. You can also make a personal appoint­ment for confession by calling the parish office.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Please note that this Monday (8/13) Exposition will extend from 12:00 Noon until 4:30 PM (to accommodate a morning funeral). There will be no Exposition on Labor Day, September 3. Beginning on September 10, Monday Exposition will ordinarily close at 8:30 PM.

To volunteer for this prayer ministry, contact Mary Damian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Mary Ann Nelson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Prayer Corner

Please pray for all those who are ill, including Barbara Baig; Lawrence Brescia; Paul Carachilo; Daphne Cooper; Christine Harding; Michael Hliwski; Ronald Lassahn; Linda Malgieri; Marguerite McCutcheon; John McGinnis; Dan Patterson; Joan Reehil; Diane Schell; Josephine Sugg and Nora Wagner.

We also remember those who have died, including parishioner John Cruice, husband of Gertrude Cruice and father of Shawn Cruice; parishioner Dennis Cooney, son of Patrick & Tosca Cooney; and Herbert Smith, father of Kellyanne Patterson. May all our departed loved ones truly rest in peace!

2019 Mass Intention Book

Personal intentions may be arranged for Masses to be celebrated at Saint Elizabeth throughout 2019. One Mass each Sunday and holy day is reserved for the people of the parish. Unannounced ­intentions may be arranged at the parish office for Masses celebrated by retired priests.

To make arrangements for personal intentions, please stop in the parish ministry center during regular office hours (8:00 AM-4:00 PM weekdays; 8:45 AM-12:45 PM Sundays). A free will offering is requested when making arrangements.

Welcome New Parishioners

Saint Elizabeth parish warmly welcomes the following individuals, couples and families who registered in July:

Cesar & Loriana Aldama; Patrick & Danielle Boyle; Matthew & Alyssa Buckley; Christopher & Kristin Campanale; Leo & Jean Cognetti; Robert & Victoria Cooper; Eduardo & Cintia Guimaraes; Joseph & Melissa Izykowski; Stephen Kilty; Joseph & Colleen Lombo; Jay & Colleen Lynch; James Magee & Alyssa Marciano; Glen & Jackie Mariani; Andrew & Kimberly Mc Entee; Ricardo & Ana Pinto and Robert & Allison Whitener. Welcome to one & all!

Baptism News

The next presentation of Pre-Jordan I: Your Baby’s Baptism will be held on Saturday, September 8, and next presentation of Pre-Jordan II: A Call to Christian Parenting will be held on Saturday, October 13. Both programs begin at 10:30 AM. To register for a Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, call the parish office (610-321-1200).

Parish School News

2018-2019 School Year: There’s still time for your students to join us at Saint Elizabeth Parish School! The application period for next year remains open for all grade levels. For application information, contact Liz Oulton (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; 610-646-6540).

Social Media: Saint Elizabeth Parish School is now on Twitter and Instagram. If you like our page on Facebook (www.facebook.com/SaintElizabethParish School), check out the latest news on Twitter and Instagram, too: www.twitter.com/StEParishSchool and www.instagram.com/stelizabethparishschool.

Elementary Faith Formation

Stewardship Call: Joy-filled parishioners wanted! Join the EFF team! All gifts and talents are needed for positions from car line attendant to catechist (teacher). We also welcome teens in grades 7-12 to serve as classroom aides. To volunteer, contact Beth Riordan, DRE (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; 610-646-6545).

Registration for 2018-2019: Online registration is open for children in grades K-6. Teens in need of the Sacraments are also most welcome! Look under "Education" on the parish website (stelizabethparish. org) or email Beth (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

New Evangelization

Christ Renews His Parish: The next women's overnight renewal will be held on September 28-29, 2018; and the next men's overnight renewal, on October 19-20, 2018. Mark your calendars now and plan to attend. The retreat provides an opportunity to experience personal growth in your faith in a relaxed welcoming environment. Online registration is now open at StElizabethParish.org or registration forms are available in the church narthex.

For more info or questions, women may contact Missey Kalucki (484-886-6739) or Carrie Mengel (484-888-3839); men may contact Greg Gatto (484-883-9997) or Matt Poliski (610-662-2568).

Pastoral Outreach- Sharing Our Bounty

Thank you to all who remembered to donate to this weekend’s collection of school supplies for needy students in our area. Your generous gifts will brighten up the faces of many children as a new school year begins in just a few weeks!


Featured this month on our community page: The Ultimate Goal – Sister Raffaella Cavallin shares how at the height of her pro soccer career, she hears the Lord calling her; and The Giant King (grades K-4), a heart­warming story of the power of kindness. To sign up for your free parish Formed membership, go to STE. Formed.org and "register now." Enter your name and email address, create a password and you're in! Be sure to click "community."

Respect Life News

The US Bishops urge all the faithful to participate in a nationwide Novena for the Legal Protection of Human Life on nine Fridays, August 3 through September 28. Sign up at www.usccb.org/pray to receive weekly email or text reminders to pray and fast, and to learn more about the Roe v.Wade Supreme Court decision.

Safe Environment

For the protection of our youth, all adults who volunteer in any activity where children are present are required to have on file at the parish all PA state requirements and all requirements from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia before any service can begin. No one will be permitted to work with children in any capacity until they are in full compliance.

For specific information regarding requirements and to get the forms to be submitted, go to www.stelizabeth parish.org and use the drop down "Get Involved" then click on "Volunteers-Safe Environment Requirements." All forms must be sent to the Parish Services Office for processing. Questions may be directed to Gen Miceli (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-646-6550).

Senior Adult Ministry (SAM)

Game Day: Seniors, come out on Thursday, August 23, to join neighbors and friends from Saint Elizabeth for an enjoyable morning starting at 10:30 AM in the parish ministry center. Game Day is held on the fourth Thursday of each month. All are invited; bring a friend!

Lunch and Learn: The next gathering will be held on Thursday, September 13, at 10:30 AM. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Diane Greco, principal of Saint Elizabeth Parish School, who will offer an insider’s view on today’s elementary Catholic education. Seniors can receive postcard notifications of upcoming events by calling the parish services office (610-646-6550) to have your name added to the SAM mailing list.

Joseph’s People

If you are unemployed, underemployed or in transition, you are welcome to attend Joseph's People. The next meeting will be held on Monday, August 20, at 7:00 PM in St. Luke. All are welcome. For more info, contact Dan Winand (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Youth Ministry News

For information about parish youth group events for 2018-2019, check the parish website or contact Ryan Schwalm (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

High School Youth Group: meets weekly on Tuesday nights, 7:00-8:30 PM in the CLC.


Cross Country: Registration for Cross Country is now open! Visit the SEAM website by following the link on the drop down "links" on the parish website.

Girls Fall CYO Volleyball: Coaches and parents are needed to help with this year’s program! To volunteer, email Craig Bauhaus (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

CYO Cheer: Registration is open on the SEAM website (check the parish website for the link), now through August 31. Cheer is a 2-season sport, running from September through February. The mini-squad is open to grades 3-4; the varsity team is open to grades 5-8. All pertinent information and important dates are on the SEAM website under the Cheer tab.

Financial Corner

Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.

Regular Collection for July 28-29, 2018

Weekend Contributions: $17,769.70

[Amount of Loose Cash: $1216.10]

Midweek & Auto-Giving: $ 8,189.55

Total Regular Collection: $25,959.25

Number of adult envelope contributions: 553

Thanks for your generous support of this year’s Mission Cooperation Collection for the Brothers of the Christian Schools. The annual appeal to support the Catholic University of America will be taken up next weekend, August 18-19.

Upcoming Meetings & Activities

For a complete schedule of upcoming meetings, parish activities and other events, check out the online parish bulletin at www.stelizabethparish.org.