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Bulletin - December 22, 2019 - Bulletin Inserts


Stewardship News- Living Beyond Sunday

Living Beyond Sunday-GPS invites us to examine two important questions: As a Catholic steward, what are my current stewardship responsibilities? And how can I grow in stewardship? Stop by the display in the narthex next to the sacristy for some ideas on how to live beyond Sunday as we prepare to begin a new year of Giving-Praying-Serving.

Liturgical Life: Did You Know?

Why is the Nativity manger placed on the side aisle of the church at Saint Elizabeth? The custom of displaying a Nativity scene (creche or manger) during the Christmas season owes its origins to Saint Francis of Assisi who made the first live Nativity scene for Christmas eve in 1223. Even as far back as the fourth century, Christian churches used paintings of the birth of Jesus and the words of Isaiah and other Old Testament prophets as wall decorations.

The documents of the church clearly state that the manger or crèche should not be located near the altar, pulpit or presidential chair. The Book of Blessings (#1544) specifically directs that “when the manger is set up in the church, it must not be placed in the sanctuary, but rather in another location suitable for prayer and devotion and easily accessible to the faithful” (#1544). Similarly, other liturgical documents note that the altar should remain clear and free standing, not obstructed by large floral displays or the Christmas crib. For this reason, here at Saint Elizabeth, the indoor Nativity scene is displayed in the left side ambulatory of the main church, while an outdoor manger set stands on the walkway up to the front of the church between late Advent and the feast of the Baptism of the Lord in January.

A complete collection of all the topics in the DYK series is available on the parish website (stelizabethparish.org).

Adult Faith Formation

Ignatian Spirituality Series: Do you want to better understand God's plan in your life? Are you looking to get more from your belief in God? Saint Ignatius developed the Spiritual Exercises as a way to better hear and respond to God's call and His infinite love and mercy. Come to an exploratory session on Tuesday, January 14, at 7:00 PM in the Holy Family Room in church to find out more and to address any questions you may have about the program. You may also contact George Marshalek (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Auto-Giving Program

A special “thank you” to the 340 families now participating in Auto-Giving to ensure a consistent financial support to the parish throughout the year. These families’ annual contributions exceed $580,600, for which we are very grateful. We would like to enlist another 15-20 new auto-donors as we start a new year! Please consider joining Auto-Giving for 2020! To receive an electronic copy of the authorization form, contact Sam Venuti (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Words from the Pastor

Even though you are out of town or away on vacation, you can still listen to our pastor’s weekend homilies. Go to the parish website (stelizabethparish.org) and scroll down the home page for “Words from our Pastor.” Why not check out the parish website and Facebook page today!

Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church

No Greater Love

If it has been awhile since you have been with us and you have been wanting to take another look at your Catholic faith…. here is a special opportunity to Come and See.

Begins Monday, January 6

Discussion Series:

Monday, January 6 – Welcome Home and Introduction

Monday, January 13 – A Stewardship Community

Monday, January 20 - Reconciliation

Monday, January 27 – Focus on the Mass

Monday, February 3 – The Creed

     7:00-8:30 PM

Holy Family Meeting Room
located inside the main entrance of the church.

For more Information: call Deacon Barry Midwood
at 610-321-1200 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All are welcome at one or all of the discussions.
Our parish family is incomplete without you!
Please spread the word!