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Bulletin - February 2, 2020 - Bulletin Inserts


Insert to the Parish Bulletin for Sunday, February 2, 2020

Blessing of Throats

On the occasion of the feast day of Saint Blaise this Monday, February 3, we are having the traditional blessing of throats at the 7:30 AM Mass in the chapel. All are welcome to attend Mass and invoke God’s healing blessing through the intercession of Saint Blaise.

Elementary Faith Formation (EFF) Prayer Services

The students and catechists of our EFF Program will be having short prayer services with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in chapel this Monday (4:45-6:00 PM & 6:30-8:00 PM), Tuesday (4:45-6:00 PM) and Wednesday (4:45-5:45 PM). All are welcome to pray with us!

Parish Census

The Parish Census form remains available in the church narthex and online on the home page of the parish website. If you have not yet filled out a census form, please return the completed form to the parish ministry center as soon as possible. It only takes 3-4 minutes to complete. To date we have received a total of 1,046 census forms from our 2,920 registered households! We need you to take part in the parish census, too! Thank you for your cooperation with this project, a key step in ongoing implementation of the 2017-2021 Parish Pastoral Plan.

Flocknote Messaging System

Our parish is now using the Flocknote messaging system to send parishioners email and text messages directly to their email addresses and/or cell phone numbers (however you’d like to hear from us!). In November, we started producing a Weekly Digest complete with announcements and links about upcoming events, weekly parish bulletin columns, a link to the Sunday scripture readings and a prayer corner. There are already a total of 1,415 subscribers in the parish Flocknote system.

We are also using the Flocknote system for regular communications from the Parish School and from the Youth Ministry Program. Plans are underway to expand the use of Flocknote for other ministries in the coming months!

It’s free to sign up for Flocknote! Go to the “Next Steps” section on the home page of the parish website (www.stelizabethparish.org). If you have any questions about the system or need help signing up, simply contact Sara Richardson, Communications Coordinator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Why not go online this week and enroll in Flocknote?

Auto-Giving Program

A special “thank you” to the 331 families now participating in Auto-Giving to ensure a consistent financial support to the parish throughout the year. These families’ annual contributions exceed $580,600, for which we are very grateful. We would like to enlist another 25 new auto-donors as we move through this new year! Please consider joining Auto-Giving for 2020! To receive an electronic copy of the authorization form, contact Sam Venuti (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Words from the Pastor

Even though you are out of town or away on vacation, you can still listen to the pastor’s weekend homilies. Go right to the home page of the parish website (stelizabethparish.org). Why not check out the parish website today!
