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Bulletin - March 29, 2020

Reminder about Financial Stewardship

Between the volatile stock market and the variable employment situations faced by many people these days, there is a great economic strain upon everyone. At the same time, the parish needs to continue meeting its employee payroll, the cost of regular maintenance and intensified cleaning services, and mortgage payments. We are deeply grateful to those parishioners who are continuing their financial stewardship even while public Mass is suspended. Your contributions may be mailed to or dropped off at the parish ministry center. A secure lock box is located at the front doors of the ministry center for those who stop by when the office is closed.

Auto-Giving for Church Donations

A special "thank you" to the 341 families now participating in Auto-Giving to ensure a consistent financial support to the parish throughout the year. This steady support is even more critical during these weeks we are not able to gather publicly for Mass in church. Please consider joining Auto­ Giving for 2020! To receive an electronic copy of the authorization form, go online to the parish website (stelizabethparish.org) or contact Sam Venuti (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Pastoral Council Election News

We are still accepting nominations for five vacancies on the pastoral council. Ifyou or someone you know in the parish may be interested in offering stewardship service to the pastoral council, please pick up a nomination fo1m on the table in the church narthex or go online to the home page of the parish website and download the nomination form. Self-nominations are most welcome! The deadline for nominations has been extended to Wednesday, April 8, and the election will be held sometime after Easter.

Parish Census

The Parish Census form remains available online on the home page of the parish website. Ifyou have not yet filled out a census form, please return the completed form to the parish ministry center as soon as possible. It only takes 3-4 minutes to complete. To date we have received a total of 1,209 census fmms from our 2,920 registered households! We need you to take part in the parish census, too! Thank you for your cooperation with this project, a key step in ongoing implementation of the 2017-2021 Parish Pastoral Plan.

Rosary Campaign for an End to the Coronavirus - Nightly at 8:00 PM

The Archdiocesan Office for the New Evangelization invites eve1yone to come together online to pray the rosary every night at 8:00 PM, invoking the intercessory assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary on behalf of those suffering from the coronavirus and to ask God to deliver us from this evil. More information about how to join can be found at phillyevang.org/rosary.

Archdiocesan Communications on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Visit http://archphila .org/covid 19/ for up-to-date information from the Archdiocese, including official statements, news coverage, liturgical and pastoral guidelines and more. To access the live stream Mass at the Philadelphia Cathedral on Sundays at 11:00 AM, visit https:// www.facebook.comJArchPhila/.



1.    Create a quiet, comfortable space for prayer.
2.    Schedule a time for the family to gather together for prayer.


1.    Live stream Mass at Saint Elizabeth:
Sundays at 10:00 AM + Monday-Friday at 9:00 AM + Saturday at 8:15 AM
2.    Live stream Mass at the Philadelphia Cathedral (Sundays at 11:00 AM)
3.    Read the Scripture Readings for Sunday and Weekday Mass:
4.    Listen to an online homily or spiritual reflection.
5.    Pray an Act of Spiritual Communion (see below).


My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart, that I may always remain one with You.  Amen.
(Adapted from Saint Alphonsus Liguori)