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Bulletin - June 27, 2021 - Upcoming Meetings and Events

High School Youth Group Agape Latte: Saturday (6/26), 6:30 PM, CLC

Blessing of Recently Registered Parishioners: Sunday (6/27), 9:30 AM Mass, church

Orientation Meeting with Home & School: (6/30), social hall or Zoom 

Men’s Spirituality Group: Thursday (7/1), St. Mark

Knights of Columbus Patriotic Rosary: Monday (7/5), 8:15 AM, church

Mass for Independence Day Holiday: Monday (7/5), 9:00 M, church. Note on Monday, July 5, all parish offices will be closed and there will be no Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during the day.

Casserole Collection: Saturday/Sunday (7/10-11) before all Masses, social hall kitchen

Food Collection for Visitation BVM: Saturday/Sunday (7/10-11) before all Masses, Holy Family Room

Pre-Jordan 1: Saturday (7/10), 10:30 AM, ministry center

Nourish For Caregivers: Saturday (7/10), 10:30 AM, Zoom