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Bulletin - December 4, 2016

A Word from Father Mullin

In his Letter to the Romans, Saint Paul uses a unique and insightful title for God the Father: “The God of endurance and encouragement.” Paul roots Christian hope in the encouragement God provides in the Sacred Scriptures and in the strength God provides to enable us to endure in the face of hardships and struggles.

As we move quickly through another Advent season, don’t forget to include in your oh-so-busy daily schedule at least a few prayerful minutes each day, now through Christmas, to open your heart for God’s gifts of encouragement and endurance in the person of His Son, Our Savior, Jesus Christ!

Father Tom Mullin

Advent Giving Tree

The Advent Giving Tree now stands in the church narthex! Please take a tag or two from the tree and buy a gift for one of the many agencies listed next to the Giving tree. Gifts should be returned on or before the weekend of December 17-18. Please read your tag to see whether the gift should be wrapped or remain unwrapped and be sure to attach the tag to your gift. Last year we provided over 2,000 gifts; the needs remain the same! Thank you again for your generosity!

Reconciliation Opportunities in Advent

All are encouraged to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance in preparation for Christmas.

On Saturday, December 17, we will have an extended period for confessions (9:00-11:00 AM) in the daily Mass chapel. A Communal Celebration of Penance with Individual Confessions will be held in the church on Tuesday, ­December 20, at 7:00 PM.

A Penance Service with Individual Confessions is also being held at several areas parishes, scheduled as follows: on Thursday, 12/15, at Saint Patrick Church and at SS. Simon & Jude Church; on Monday, 12/19, at SS. Philip & James Church and at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church; and on Wednesday, 12/21, ­at St. Joseph Church. All begin at 7:00 PM.

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, being celebrated this Thursday, December 8, is a holy day of obligation for all Catholic believers. Here at Saint Elizabeth, we will have a Mass for the holy day at 7:30 AM, at 12 Noon and at 7:00 PM, all in church.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

At the 9:30 AM Mass this Sunday, we are celebrating the Rite of Entrance into the Catechumenate for several non-baptized individuals who are beginning their formal preparation for the Rites of Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil., together with a Rite of Welcoming for three women already baptized in another Christian community and are now preparing for reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church and Confirmation this coming spring.

Please remember in your prayers today Jason Wolensky, Tanya, Zach & Rowan Karas; Tina Angles; Katy Bradica; Julie DiProspero and Christine Pearlstein. May God continue to guide them on their spiritual journey to full Christian Initiation!

Mass Intentions for the Week

December 3-4: Second Sunday of Advent

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Peter Pienciak

Sunday, 8:00 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 9:30 AM- Irene Plower

Sunday, 11:30 AM- Michael Bilko

Monday, 7:30 AM- Carolanne Morgenthaler

Tuesday, 7:30 AM- Robert McGonagle, Jr.

Wednesday, 7:30 AM- Andrew Clark

Thursday - Holy Day of the Immaculate Conception

7:30 AM- Margaret Moore

12:00 Noon- Mirta “Millie” Rosado

7:00 PM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Friday, 7:30 AM- Bernard Keenan (1st Ann)

Saturday, 8:30 AM- George & Marie Ciarlone

December 10-11: Third Sunday of Advent

Saturday, 5:30 PM- Albert Riviezzo, Sr.

Sunday, 8:00 AM- Anthony DiFerdinando, Jr.

Sunday, 9:30 AM- People of Saint Elizabeth

Sunday, 11:30 AM- William Maloney

Readings: Isaiah 35/1-6, 10; Psalm 146; James 5/7-10; Matthew 11/2-11

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: on Mondays after the morning Mass until 8:30 PM. Please note that there is no Exposition on the Monday after Christmas, December 26, when all parish offices are closed.

Prayer Corner

Please remember all those who are ill, including: Harry Bellwoar; Lynn Cugini; Mary Dominiecki; Boris Gorelik; William Hartman; Cherianne Johnson; Denise Kweeder; Peter Lubin; Virginia Luteran; Charles Mallon; Madeline Mitchell; James Myers; William & Helen Shea; Elaine Siegel; Cindy Tocci; Frank Tyas and Rebecca Wagner.

We pray also for those who have died, including Dorothy Lauletta, mother of Joseph Lauletta. May our departed loved ones rest in peace!

A Call for Priestly Vocations

Deanery 4- St. Andrew Dinner: Deanery 4 parishes are sponsoring a Saint Andrew Dinner for young men (ages 16-22) who are open to the call of the priesthood. The evening consists of Evening Prayer, dinner and conversation with priests and seminarians. It will be held next Monday, December 12, 6:30 PM, at Saint Joseph Parish in Downingtown.

St. Andrew Dinners are named after the apostle, who, in the Gospel according to John, brought his brother Simon Peter to meet Jesus. This dinner is an opportunity for young men in our deanery to come together to meet with one another and with area priests to discern the call to priesthood. Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Baptism News

Saint Elizabeth parish warmly welcomes into the Body of Christ the following children baptized in November:

Noah Stephen Cyran; Riley Elizabeth Norwood; Caden Alexander Grzeskowiak; Owen Felix Seigel; Andrew Nolan Eden; Jack William Kane; Ava Elizabeth Lenahan and Saylor Emory Spinelli.

Congratulations to their parents and godparents!

The next session of Pre-Jordan I: Preparing for Your Child’s Baptism will be held this Saturday, December 10, and the next session of Pre-Jordan II: A Call to Christian Parenting will be held on Saturday, January 14, both at 10:30 AM in the ministry center. To register for the Pre-Jordan Program and/or to arrange for a baptism, please call 610-321-1200.

Elementary Faith Formation News

Advent Family Prayer Service: EFF students and their families will gather for an Advent Prayer Service at 5:00 PM this Monday & Wednesday, December 5 & 7, and at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, December 6. Please plan to attend one of these sessions. Note: There are no classroom sessions on Monday evening nor on Tuesday afternoon this week.

Reminder: Parents of children planning to receive sacraments in Spring 2017, need to turn in your Registration, Photo Banner and Sponsor paperwork no later than January 13, 2017.

Saint Elizabeth Parish School News

Christmas Concert: Come out to the gym on Wednesday, December 14, at 1:30 PM or 7:00 PM for our Christmas Band and Harmonium concert.

Financial Aid: Applications for financial aid for the 2017-2018 school year are available at www. smartaidforparents.com. For info, call 800-360-8027.

Adult Faith Formation News

Do You Hear What I Hear? A Christmas program for all ages! Be sure to come next Sunday, December 11, 4:30-6:00 PM in church. Find out what Christmas song was written in the heart of Philadelphia in 1868 and other interesting facts. Join in singing Christmas carols! Free admission; RSVP to 610-646-6550 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we have enough refreshments prepared. Please contact Pat Kasper (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any questions.

Senior Adult Ministry (SAM)

SAM will be holding their annual Pot Luck Luncheon this Thursday, December 8, after the noon Mass for the holy day of the Immaculate Conception. Please join other seniors in the ministry center for an enjoyable lunch, fellowship and fun. Bring a favorite dish to share (to serve 8-10 people). Make new friends and enjoy some delicious cuisine. To RSVP, call 610-646-6550 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Pastoral Outreach-Sharing Our Bounty

Casserole Program: Don’t forget next weekend’s collection for St. John’s Hospice. Thank you for your generous support of this ministry. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Jen Bauhaus (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Angie Fiore (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Youth Ministry News

For info on any youth ministry activities, contact Ryan Schwalm at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or follow us at St. Elizabeth Youth Ministry on Facebook and @st.es_youthgroup on Instagram.

High School Youth Group: Every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM in the CLC next to the social hall. And Bible Study every other Monday night at 8:00 PM, too!

Parish Young Adults: We are forming a new group for Catholic Young Adults ages 18 to 26. If you want to help us create this new program, contact Ryan Schwalm (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Financial Corner

Thank you for your consistent financial support of our parish community throughout the year.

Regular Collection for Sunday, November 19-20

Weekend Contributions: $21,744.78

[Amount of Loose Cash: $1,350.78]

Midweek & Auto-Giving: $ 7,779.50

Total Regular Collection: $29,524.28

Number of adult envelope contributions: 633

Religious Retirement Collection: Thank you for your support of this weekend’s annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious Priests, Sisters & Brothers. Additional contributions may be dropped into the regular collection basket at Mass next weekend or sent directly to the parish ministry center.

Auto-Giving: There are now 260 parish families making auto­matic contri­butions on a monthly or weekly basis. In this way, parishioners can provide consistent financial support to the parish throughout the year, including when they are out of town visiting family or away on vacation.

Why not consider using Auto-Giving for your regular collection contributions? To receive an electronic copy of the authorization form and/or if you have questions about Auto-Giving, contact Sam Venuti at 610-646-6515 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

2017 Breaking Bread Hymnals

With thanks to the daily Mass goers who assisted with the changeover, the 2017 Breaking Bread hymnals have now been distributed around the church and chapel pews. Please do not remove the protective covers from the hymnals.

Note: The ordinary parts of the Mass are provided on pages 3-30, including the Gloria (page 6), the Profession of Faith (page 9), and the Eucharistic Prayers (pages 12-26). Next time you are sitting in the pews, take a few minutes to become more familiar with the liturgical sections of the hymnals.

Upcoming Events & Meetings

EFF Prayer Services: Monday (5:00 PM), Tuesday (6:30 PM) & Wednesday (5:00 PM), church

RCIA & Inquiry: Mondays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist & conference room

CRHP-Women: Mondays, 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

Called & Gifted: Monday (12/5), 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

Joseph’s People: Monday (12/5), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Social Fellowship Committee: Monday (12/5), 7:00 PM, St. Mark

HSYG Bible Study: Monday (12/5), 8:00 PM, CLC

Bible Study: Tuesday (12/6), 9:30 AM & 7:00 PM, St. Matthew

High School Youth Group: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM, CLC

Stewardship Council: Tuesday (12/6), 7:00 PM, St. Luke

Spirit Newsletter Staff: Tuesday (12/6), 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

Knights of Columbus: Tuesday (12/6), 7:30 PM, St. Matthew

Youth for Mary: Wednesday (12/7), 6:00 PM, Holy Family Room

Legion of Mary: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, Holy Family Room

Senior Adult Ministry (SAM) Potluck: Thursday (12/8), 1:00 PM, ministry center

Men’s CRHP Team: Thursdays, 7:00 PM, St. John the Baptist

Women at the Well: Friday (12/9), 9:00 AM, St. Luke

Pre-Jordan I: Saturday (12/10), 10:30 AM, MMC Conference Rooms

Casserole Collection: Sat./Sun. (12/10 & 11), before all Masses, kitchen

Men’s Choir: Sunday (12/11), 10:30 AM, choir room

Do You Hear What I Hear?: Sunday (12/11), 4:30 PM, church

Saint Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church

Insert to the Parish Bulletin for Sunday, December 4, 2016

Other Activities of Interest

Help Wanted: Saint John Vianney Center, a premier behavioral health treatment and education center for clergy and religious, located in Downingtown, PA, is seeking part-time drivers to help with getting our priests and nuns to their appointments. This is a paid part-time position. For more information, please call Linda Rava at 610-269-2600 or complete an online application at www.sjvcenter.org.

Help Wanted: Saints Simon & Jude School is seeking lunch monitors 2-5 days per week. Paid positions are available. Please contact Briana Zembruski at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Bishop Shanahan High School: The BSHS Fine Arts Department will present its Annual Christmas Concert and Art Exhibit on Friday, December 16, 7:30 PM in the school auditorium. A free will offering will be gratefully accepted. All are welcome!

Barnes & Noble Bookstore at Main Street at Exton is sponsoring an online book fair to benefit BSHS through December 9. Visit BN.COM/bookfairs and enter voucher #11911708. Thank you for your support.

Savio Boy Choir Concert: The Savio Boy Choir of Philadelphia will be holding a Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 11, 3:00 PM, at Immaculate Conception Church in Northern Liberties (100 W. Allen Street, Philadelphia). The choir is directed by Tom Windfelder, the former 25-year director of the Archdiocesan Boy Choir of Philadelphia. For more info, call 267-500-1999. Please visit our website at www.savioboychoir.org.

The Brandywine Singers: The Brandywine Singers 2016 holiday program , “Gloria in Excelsis Deo”, will take place on Saturday, December 17, 7:00 PM, at the Church of the Good Samaritan (212 West Lancaster Avenue, Paoli). Tickets available online at www.thebrandywinesingers.org as well as at the door.

Archdiocese of Philadelphia: The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology has partnered with the Archdiocese to offer limited-time free access to its new video Bible study series “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”. You can access this 12-part series online at no cost beginning January 18. The videos can be used for group or individual study. Sign up at BibleandtheVirginMary.com/Philadelphia.

Save the Date: Registration is now open for the 9th Annual Archdiocesan Men’s Spirituality Conference, Man Up Philly 2017, to be held on Saturday, March 4, at St. Joseph University Hagan Arena. Register now and save $10 (Early Bird Special) at manupphilly.com.

MOM Heart of the Home Day of Renewal: Registration is now open for the 23rd Annual MOM-Heart of the Home Day of Renewal, Saturday, March 18, 9:00 AM-3:30 PM, at SS. Simon & Jude Meehan Center in West Chester. For more information and registration call 610-384-4933, 484-798-7368 or visit www.mom-heartofthehome.org/events.html.