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The 2017-2021 Pastoral Plan

Our Vision:    

We are called by Jesus Christ to:

•    Grow as a Community of Disciples,
•    Deepen our Faith and
•    Be Grateful Steward of God’s Gifts.

Our Mission:

Together with the Lord, we are committed to nourish and grow a holy, faithful and vibrant Catholic community rooted in the Word of God and the Sacraments.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we warmly welcome everyone and invite all to enrich their lives by sharing in the fullness of our Catholic faith.

As a stewardship parish, in grateful acknowledgement of God’s abundant gifts, we generously share our time, talent and treasure in service to the needs of others.

By the conviction of our words, the goodness of our deeds and the witness of our lives, we reflect the presence of Jesus living within us.

With the grace of the Holy Spirit, we strive to extend God’s kingdom every day, one person at a time.

To read more about the significance of Our Vision & Our Mission, please click here!

To listen to Father Mullin’s homilies on Our Vision or Our Mission, please click here and here!


Our Values:

pastplan values

To read about the significance of each of our six Core Parish Values, please click here!

To listen to Father Mullin’s homilies on Our Values, please click here!


Our Goals:

Become a More Engaging Parish

Be a faith filled, inviting Catholic community that welcome and engages all people, wherever they are in their spiritual journey.

Expand Family Faith Formation

Develop opportunities at all stages of family life that enrich relationships and bring Christ into our homes.

Strengthen Youth and Young Adult Faith Formation

Offer relevant programs to nourish in youth and young adults a deeper personal relationship with Christ, with their Catholic Faith and with the parish community.

Continue to Grow Our Stewardship Identity

Increase participation and strengthen our commitment to live a stewardship way of life by sharing God’s gifts of time, talent and treasure.

Enhance Parish Communications

Expand the use of communication tools and marketing strategies to reach more parishioners, promote parish activities and become a more informed and connected parish community.

Encourage Leadership Development

Foster leadership and develop relevant skills within our parish community, parish school and parish staff to live out the parish mission.